Sunday, September 23, 2018

What Makes a Good Politician - Part III

                  This post is the third text with the same subject: the main characteristics of a good leader, a good politician. The two previously were published in September of 2016. I hope with this help you to make a good choice on who will deserve your vote next month. Like always this is a educative goal. This post is a summary of two articles. The first was published at The second was published at The third was published at The fourth was published at

                  The most important qualities in politicians are listed here for your viewing, ranking, and voting pleasure. When one thinks in character traits that make a good politician, one thinks in things like integrity and optimism. It takes an intelligent, loyal and likeable person to win any election, This is the list that outlines the best qualities in a politician. Whether you consider yourself a political person or a completely neutral person, politicians actions directly affect you and your everyday life. Upvote the political characteristics you think are the most important. 1º) Intelligence.  2º) Honesty.  3º) Integrity.  4º) Good Instincts.  5º) Diplomacy.  6º) Determined.  7º) Listening Skills.  8º) Morality.  9º) Open Mind. 10º) Loyalty.  11º) Passion.  12º) Patience.  13º) Bravery.  14º) Toughness.  15º) Empathy.  16º) Tirelessness.  17º) Thoughtfulness.  18º) Charisma.
                 If you are wondering how to tell if you would make a good politician, a recente study out of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) may be able to shed some light on personality traits that indicate whether you are truly meant to hold office. Graduate student Richard Hanania used the framework of the well-known Big Five personality inventory to learm more about "personality differences between politicians and the general public." For the study, published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, 278 American legislators and 2,586 respondents of approximately the same age completed a 50-item questionnaire online. The Five Factor Model, draws conclusions by measuring important dimensions of a person's personality and psyche such as conscientiousness, openness to experience, agreeableness, extraversion, and neuroticism. The study's results revealed that politicians differed from average American on every single factor. "Politicians are more extraverted, agreeable, emotionally stable, and conscientious than the general public," Hanania explains. "At the same time, they are slightly lower on imagination." Politicians scored lower in general on the traits of openness and neuroticism, meaning that as a group, they are generally less imaginative and emotional. Here are some signs based on this study's results that you might make an excellent politician. 1) You Enjoy Hard Work - Hanania found that politicians scored higher than the average public on the trait of contentiousness, so those planning to jump into the political circus need to be prepared for the battle. Successful politicians tend to be highly organized. Paying attention to detail is key, and it helps to be a good planner.  2) You Are Always Willing to Lend a Sympathetic Ear - The study reveals that it also helps to have an agreeable personality if you are going into politics. Being sympathetic and kind can aid representatives in responsibilities such as listening to the concerns of their constituents, conforting the grieving, and building a good rapport with the public during their campaigns.  3) You Are a People Person - The broad term extraversion refers to specific traits such as being "talkative, energetic, and assertive." And politicians generally scored highly on it. Because they have to deal with people all day, not to mention all that hand shaking. Those who go into politics tend to be outgoing and social. If you love chatting with friends and strangers alike, you were probably meant for public affairs.  4) you are not typically an Anxious Person - from the headlines and the setbacks to the in-fighting, we all know that a career in government is not the chillest of lives. Politicians tended to score lower on trait of neuroticism, meaning theyare less likely to become frequently anxious and are not particularly emotionally sensitive. If you can remain unflappable and maintain calm in the face of controversy, then go get yourself elected.  5) You Are Highly Focused and Don't Mind Being Bored - Those who are less artistically inclined may be better suited for politics according to the study.
              Despite their many differences, politicians share a lot of characteristics. So what does the psychology of politicians reveal about this truth? What traits should a politician have? While we may not like to admit it, successful politicians from every ideological background have a lot in common. They are usually personable and self-confident public speakers. "Are there certain psychological traits that make a perfect politician?" As it turns out, the psychology of politicians has revealed quite a few. The following are six of the most important and most universal traits of successful politicians.  1) Confident - Confidence breeds confidence, so often one of the most important things influencing our opinion of the candidates is how confident they appear. In fact, the level of confidence a person shows often overshadows the validity of what the person actually says.   2) Charming - Another important characteristic that any politician needs to have is charm. Perhaps this seems obvious, after all, we are much more likely to vote for a person we like than a person we simply agree with. We prefer our candidates to be funny and good story-tellers. A big part of what contributes to a candidate's charm is how much that candidate mirros us. Essentially, similarity creates liking, so we find a candiadte charming if they seem like us, at least while we are interacting.  3) Relatable - Linked to charm, retability is another factor that determines whether or not a person makes a good politician. An awareness of our own social status is deeply ingrained in our psyches.  4) Goal-Oriented - People like to feel like they are accomplishing something. That is a big part of the reason why successful politicians always have simple, straightforward plans for big changes. If we vote for a candidate with a big plan, we have contributed to the lofty goal.  5) Uncomplicated - According to Parkinson's Law of Triviality, people are willing to spend much more time and effort on something they understand than something complicated that they don't. While policy on a subject may be inherently complex, we are more willing to believe a nice, simple sound bite on a subject than a long, complicated explanation.  6) Fearless - Low levels of anxiety not only help get through the endless public scrutiny, speeches, and debates but also allows them to make snap decisions and stick with a course of action despite roadblocks they may face. 
              A good leader is a self actualized leader. Self actualization is the highest form of human growth, someone who is self actualized is a fully functioning human being. In the past, I have written about the characteristics of self actualized people which can be applied to this article as well. But the characteristics below are unwaveringly related to a good leader. It is worth to pay attention to these and take them into consideration when we are making a choice as to whom we chose as a leader. A good leader is: 1) Fair and Objective - A good political leader does not take what is similar to his view. he uses reliable information to make judgments and to come up with resolution. He stands above his own believes to observe events objectively.  2) Moving Above Himself and Serving the Society - A good leader stands above any specific religious or political views of his own and is independent of any attachment to a specific agenda. His personal beliefs becomes his private matters and he learns to leave them out the door once he steps into a leadership role. 3) Not Seeking Fame and Attention - A good leader has been able to move above and beyond any egoistic and primitive need for power, attention or establishing his own personal agenda and works with the intention of good-for-all.  4) Not Into Hiding the Truth For the Sake of Looking Good - A good leader says it as it is even if it feels uncomfortable for many to hear it. He is not a people please in a sense that he would say anything to please others even if that means manipulating or misguiding the public. It takes a lot of courage to do this and a good leader has that courage.  5) Focused on Specific, Achievable, and Measurable Goals and Demands Outcomes - A good leader is focused and does not get distracted. His goals, whether small or large, are reasonable and achievable and are directed towards the long term results not quick and temporary fixes that may backfire.  6) Encourages People to Be Accountable for Their Actions - A good leader helps people understand that they are  accountable for their society and its outcome and teaches them to make compromises and responsible choices. He does not support a sense of self-serving entitlement that has gove too far and is counter-productive for the society as a whole.  7) Does not Pay Attention to Being Politically Correct but Ethically So.  8) Does not Make Idealistic Promises but realistic Ones -  9) Honest even if it does not Get Approval.  10) Thinks Globally and Acts Locally.   11) Takes Personal responsibility.

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