Sunday, May 12, 2024

World Press Freedom Day - 2024

                   Nine days ago, precisely on 3rd May the world celebrated one of the most important human rights, the freedom of the press and expression. We all must help to defend this important human right to democracy, justice, development, etc. This important right must include too the right to earn money with the monetization of the work of many activists or also called citizen journalists around the world nowadays, who are divulging their works on YouTube channels, blogs, Facebook, X, Tik Tok, Instagram or any other social media. They all deserve the right to become professionals and to improve their works, of course, they all mustn't spread fake news, hate speech, discrimination etc. For some unknown reason the counter of this blog never worked, but I know that there are millions of readers, Now the same have been  happening with my YouTube Channel since I created it in 2020 I really don't know why I've been being so harmed in so many ways and for decades, but now all the world is demanding that these violations I've been being victim stop. This post is a summary of three articles. The first was published at The second was published at The third was published at

                      In 2024, World Press Freedom Day is dedicated to the importance of journalism and freedom of expression in the context of the current global environmental crisis. Awareness of all aspects of the global environmental crisis and its consequences is essential to build democratic societies. Journalistic work is indispensable for this purpose. Journalists encounter significant challenges in seeking and disseminating information on contemporary issues, such as supply-chains problems, climate migration, extractive industries, illegal mining, pollution, poaching, animal trafficking, deforestation, or climate change. Ensuring the visibility of these issues is crucial for promoting peace and democratic values worldwide. Attacks on the validity of science pose a serious threat to pluralistic and informed public debate. Indeed, misleading and false information about climate change can, in some cases, undermine international efforts to address them. To achieve sustainable development, it is necessary for journalists to report accurately, timely, and comprehensively on environmental issues and their consequences, as well as on possible solutions. This require strategies that includes:  1) preventing and protecting against crimes committed against journalists.  2) Ensuring the rights to freedom of expression, freedom of scientific research, and access to key sources of information, in addition to combating disinformation.  3) Promoting the plurality, diversity, and viability of media, especially regional, local, indigenous, and/or community-based media.  4) Ensuring that the governance of digital platforms foster the transparency of tech companies, their accountability, due diligence, user empowerment, and curation based on international human rights. 5) Promoting media and information literacy to empower users with skills to engage and think critically in the digital environment.                                                                                                                                                       World Press Freedom Day, celebrated annually on 3 May, serves as a global acknowledgement of the indispensable role journalists play in safeguarding democracy and championing freedom of expression. Established by the U.N. in 1993, this day commemorates the "Windhoek Declaration of 1991," which advocates for a free and independent press. At its core, the day champions the freedom of the press and expression, recognising them as fundamental pillars of democracy and peacebuilding. Despite progress, many countries continue to censor, penalise, and endanger journalists, underscoring the ongoing need to defend press freedom globally. Journalists serve as society's watchdogs, disseminating important information, uncovering truths, and holding power to account. Yet, their pursuit of truth often makes them targets of violence and repression, with some paying the ultimate price in defence of free speech and transparency. Populists in Western nations generally some individuals with views that undervalue press freedom. Nordic countries lead in press freedom rankings, underscoring the importance of media independence. Journalists are facing escalating persecution and arbitrary arrests worldwide, particularly in countries like Turkey, China and Egypt. The 31st edition of World Press Freedom Day in 2024 was hosted in Santiago, Chile, in collaboration with UNESCO and Chilean government. Participating engaged with leading investigate journalists, press freedom advocates, and legal experts. These events shed light on the growing threats faced by reporters uncovering environmental crimes and emphasise the importance of environmental journalists in driving positive change. This year's theme underscores the vital role of journalism, access to information, and freedom of expression in tackling the global environmental crisis. By amplifying diverse voices, the conference aimed to pave the way for a sustainable future that respect individual rights and fosters inclusive dialogue.                                                                                                                                       The free press is an essential pillar of democracy, and the persons worldwide who uphold it do vital work. Journalists go to great lengths to expose corruption, document wars and other world events, bring to light threats to public safety, and bring citizens the information they need to participate fully in their societies. Some journalists have given their lives to this work. Others have suffered injuries or lost their freedom. Journalism should not be a crime anywhere on Earth. On World Press Freedom Day, we honor the bravery and sacrifice of journalists and media workers around the world risking everything in pursuit of truth. On this day, the U.S. government calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all journalists who have been put behind bars for simply doing their jobs. And we call for the protection of journalists everywhere, including during military operations. My administration will continue to support free and independent media worldwide. We have brought together a coalition of countries to counter the proliferation and misuse of spyware which is used to monitor journalists. In the coming weeks, I'll be taking executive action in response to the global crackdown on press freedom, as exemplified by the wrongful detention of journalists around the world. I'll declare this crackdown on press freedom a grave threat to national security and will authorize measures, including cautions and visa bans, against those who take abusive actions to silence the press. Media workers are an essential part of any democracy, because well-informed dissent is critical to building stronger and more successful societies. Every day, we recognize their courage, support their right to do their job, and stand with them for press freedom.

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