Thursday, September 30, 2010

Vol. teacher II - Comment. Educat. Articles - part V

       I felt that when I wrote about the benefits of the increase of tertiary enrollment rate, there was a concern about the excess of graduates, but I think this increase should be in certain professional fields where there is a shortage of graduates, to the government be up to identify these fields and make a effort to balance demand and supply in the labor market.  For example, everybody knows that there is a shortage of doctors in the countryside, another field that now there is a great demand, because lower prices in the air fares, is in the aviation system. Because of presalt and new discoveries of gas fields, there must be a higher demand in the petroleum and gas industry soon.
      Would be a huge injustice, if a country with a high unemployment/subemployment like our to let  having enough professional to meet the demand, would be a huge injustice with the youngters and the country as a whole. We can not let this happen.