Thursday, September 9, 2010

VOLUNTEER TEACHER - Why I Create this Blog

          In the last five years and half, I have written summaries of reports from some online newspapers and magazines, sometimes about education, sometimes about Brazil`s economy or other important subjects and when I wanted go deep in some issue I does a commentary as well, always doing this in my email, this is a good way that  I found to practice English, to learn more about those subjects and to advertise my private English classes. Usually I send these reports to few persons that I know have some interest  to improve their English and would like to know more about these issues. But I do not know how and neither why, but I felt that these reports and my commentaries turn out in some way publics and become famous, how if it were in a blog, so I thought why not to have my own blog to publicize the reports that have something to teach, something to inspire educators, students and all society to this important issues of this blog. It is a good way to democratize and spread the information and to strengthen the own democracy and citizenship. I will begin with a series of reports and after a series of commentaries or reports written by me.I hope you enjoy.