After a brief research in the internet, I found other professions that already has a shortage of supply and probably this problem will keep in the coming years, unless that there is now more endeavor of the authorities involved in the formation of these professionals.
This important issue has to be taken seriously, because the investment in the formation of new professionals is very low when compares with the damage caused by shortage of these professions, damages in the development of the research, technologies, infrastructure, GNP`s growth and also not profiding all the services required by our population. In my brief research I read some reports about the shortage of the following professions.
There are a shortage of construction workers, plumbers and eletricians, this problem is deeper in big cities, but is happening in the medium cities as well.
Another field that there is a shortage is accountancy, mainly with specializetion in audit and controllability with good knowledge of English and international accountancy rules.
In the information technology (I.T), there are shortage of professionals of all levels, since technicians until engineers. In this field, the government also need urgently to increase the availability of broad band, to advance in a faster pace the called digital inclusion, all countries are concerning about to bring their population to internet, they know how this is important in the digital age.
If you want more imformation about this issue, you can access any online newspaper(globo,folha,estadao..) or magazine( exame,veja..) and search by: falta de mao-de-obra qualificada. You will find many reports.