Thursday, October 28, 2010

Vol. Teac. IV.- Comm. Ed. Art. - Education For All

      In that article published by Guardian was said that ¨according to the UNDP`s recent Human Development Report for Latin America and the Caribbean, 10 of the world`s 15 most unequal countries are located in Latin America. Failing education system is the main cause¨. But, I personally believe that when anyone to compare data from Africa, Asia and L. A., will see that L. A., will appear fairer, doing progress in all regions, really trying to take care of the most impoverish students and citizens.
       To begin with, in L.A. there are many social programmes like the called conditional cash transfer(CCT) to help the poorest to stay in school. Another example is that the school enrollment in L.A. is much higher than Africa or Asia. According to the Unesco` recent Education For All(EFA) Report the number of children out-of-school in Sub-Saharan Africa is: 32 millions, in Asia is 27 millions and in L.A. is 3 millions. Besides, the Education Development Index(EDI) from EFA is divided in four categories, for example- EFA achieved: Argentina, Uruguay,etc. Close to EFA: Chile, Mexico,Venezuela,etc. Intermediate: Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador,etc. And far from EFA. Where there is only one L. A. country( Nicaragua), 5 Asian countries and 17 Sub-Saharan African countries.
       In addition, in L. A. there are many laws to protect the worker and the small entrepreneur, a more stronger legal system than Africa or Asia, which is essential to lower injustice. In short, if you to compare social and development data from these three continents, I am sure that you will see that L.A. is more advanced and trying lower its historical inequality.
       On the other hand, this inequality could lower in a much faster pace if the education received more investment in all levels, but mainly in vocational training. But like the report of the Guardian told, the society must value education more, but in my opinion, mainly the poorest, because the upper class and the middle class,I think, already know the benefits of the education, up to the government to give opportunities for the poorest persons and help them to stay in the schools.
       All in all, though, these better datas from L.A. can not be used to minimize its inequality, but the UNDP`s Report can not show the whole picture, if you analise the social and educational datas from L.A. and others continets, it will say more. In the L. A., there is a complex and heterogeneous society, with persons and their descendants from all continents and its own natives. Education must reach all of them in availability and quality, however, everybody should demand it, search it, from the authorities.