Saturday, November 13, 2010

Vol. Teac. - VI - Enem

       Last weekend, there was ENEM and for now, everybody that did the exam, already would have known their grades, but unfortunately, again, there were problems, but despite the initial uncertainty, on friday, seems that all the problems was resolved, how was supposed to be, only the applicants, those that had problems will have to do another exam. We have to consider the great majority that have not any trouble at all. We, all in the education system, have try to strengthen this good idea: A national exam, to assess the secondary level and at the same time being a admissional exam to the public universities or to get public scholarship. We have to try rise its credibility, after two years a row of problems, perhaps it is being damaged. So, I think, it is just my humble opinion, we all, students, teachers, parents, should demand more commitment from all the persons invloved in the ENEM application, since when it is made, until when the exam is being done in the classroom, and after during the corrections. I think this is the general feeling.
       Furthermore, the exam should be applied more often, at least two or three times a year, giving the students more chances and lower their stress because only one chance a year.
       Moeover, in order to achieve total credibility, the transparency and monitoring during its application should be always a concern, to assure total fairness in the results.
      In my humble opinion, the theory of answer item (TRI), it is very complicated, I would like to know if will be publicize the value of each answer from each question, so all the students can know their grades by themselves, if not , I think, one question corrected, one point, would be easiest to understand.
      About the composition, would be very good, if the students could received their composition at home, with their grades and all the  mistakes explained.
      If the INEP to think, it is necessary charge more to implement all this improvements, I think it is worth the price. The education and all its assessment is very important in the life of the country and of the students.