Saturday, November 27, 2010

Volun. Teac. VI - Enem - part III -

            In this third part I would like to tell a little about Enem` history and also more commentaries about this important issue.To begin with, Enem was created in 1998, at first it was just to assess the secondary level, but since the beginning, it was conceived to be an option to the tradicional entrance exam, called ¨vestibular¨. In 1998 there were only 157,221 inscriptions and in 2001 the number already had risen to 1,624,131, but the largest increase was in 2004 to 2005 when there were respectively 1,552,316 and 3,004,491. This happened due Enem to become the exam required to applicants to qualify for a prouni schoolarship, since then the number of applicants have increase steadily, in 2008 was around 4 millions and 2010 around 4,6 millions. What show us the growing interest in Enem and higher education.
           One doubt that it is happening every year and I think should be unveiled is why there are so many absent each year. This year the absent rate reached 27% . Past year was around 38%, but as everybody knows, the exam past year was postponed and many universities canceled its use.
           Would be because the huge number of inscriptions and the small number of places in public universities that use the enem, around 95,000. Maybe some persons less prepared gave up, thinking in the tough competition. I do not know, but would be good a research about this phenomenon to discover why this is happening and how to lower this excessive number of quitters.
           Anyway, this show us the huge number of persons wishing to study and staying excluded from the public education system. The private system has done a great benefit for brazil`s society, possibiliting millions to make their dreams come true, and nowadays is bigger than public system. But,  I am not saying that the public system is better than private system, however, everybody should always watch for their real learning, the education can not trasform into commerce, can not be only about profits and diplomas. Of course, the student`s learning more depend on their commitment and hard work, moreover,the government assessment should be taken into account and the private universities that are unqualified to work, should be closed. 
           The prouni did not solve all the problems, because there is not enough places in some professions in the private universities, for example, in medical and engineering school, the demand for places is much higher than the supply for both, public and private universities.