Thursday, December 2, 2010

Volun. Teacher - VII - This Blog

       As I felt that this blog has been accessed and has repercussive much more than I thought. I would like to clarify that this blog is totally apolitical, as you can see obviously, that this blog support any good educational policy based on meritocracy that target a fairer country, a  more competitive economy with more opportunities, in short a better quality of life for all brazilians, because we deserve and this giant country blessed with good weather and so many natural resources has the potential to provide us.
       I think is important to have many persons supporting a propitious environment for higher education, full democracy, transparency and justice. And to create this environment, information and good education is the first step.  Nowadays with the popularization of internet, all Brazilians have the opportunity on line to share their ideas and to contribute for a better country, in a way to rise the awareness of the improvements which good education and true information provide, after all, this is the country where we are going to spend the rest of our lives, so what sort of country do you would like to live?
      This kind of amateur writing in blogs is called ¨journalism citizen¨, and only multiple and spread all over the world, in many moments of recent history, together with twitter and other social nets have contributed to citizens all over the world to fight for their demands and rights.
     Some blogs and NGOs, saved the due proportions, has contributed to relief suffering, try to improve the education and also the quality of information, watch for the due respect to the citizens`s right, among many other targets, but one thing all of them, NGO, some blogs, some institutuional websites, philanthropy and volunteering, have in common:  the pursuit of victory of the human beings over their adversities and consequently a happy, peaceful, productive and enjoyable existence. That is why, all these civil organizations and activities should have government support, to do a better country depend on all of us, not only the government, but recognition by the population is rewarding and inspiring.