Sunday, December 29, 2024

International Anti-Corruption Day - 2024

               A little more than two weeks ago, precisely on 9th December, the whole world celebrated the importance to fight corruption. We have always to see what the politicians are doing to help us in this important fight, ask them about it. The public money must be very well used, so that we can have better schools, better hospitals, better security, better streets and roads, better jobs, greater development, less inequality, less injustice. To sum things up a more functional government and consequently a better country for all of us. The fight against corruption is so important that we all should be involved in this fight, because the theft of public resources harm us all. But we all should know that this fight is not easy, activists for this important ethical cause can suffer persecution, including having their political rights systematically disrespected. The people should not be naive, there are many people that are not interested in this activism, in this figh   This post is a summary of two articles. The first was published at The second was published at

                   The theme for this year, "Uniting with Youth Against Corruption: Shaping Tomorrow's Integrity." Young people have dreams and aspirations, but corruption erodes the fabric of society, stifles progress and deprives them of educational opportunities, job prospects, engagement in public life, success in sports and access to healthcare. Our world confronts numerous challenges, tragedies, inequalities and injustices, many of which are tied to corruption. While young people are significantly affected by corruption, they also have the potential to become powerful agents in the fight for a future rooted in integrity. Young people must demand accountability and participate in anti-corruption efforts. To promote a culture of integrity across the public and private sectors and built a generation that stands up to corruption, education is key. It teaches values of transparency, accountability and integrity from an early age. By promoting integrity and ethical behaviour and challenging corruption, young people can drive change. Additionally, they can develop solutions to address corruption. Tech-savvy youth can leverage technologies such as A.I. online platforms, social media and apps to enhance government transparency, increase access to information and create tools that facilitate anonymous reporting of corrupt practices. Addressing corruption leads to a fairer, more transparent institutions. This effort builds trust in institutions and inspires the next generation to actively contribute to creating a better future. The campaign for International Anti-Corruption Day 2024 focuses on the role young guardians of integrity play as advocates, raising awareness about corruption and its impacts. The campaign will amplify voices of integrity, allowing them to express their concerns and aspirations, with hope that their appeals will be heard and acted upon. Building a just world is only possible if corruption doesn't stand in the way. United, we can combat corruption.                                                                                                                                   Corruption is a major crippling affliction of democracy, even decades after the international community recognized it as a threat and has taken steps to counter it. The challenge lies in corruption's multifaceted nature and ability to continuously evolve and adapt to a new circumstances. Thankfully, defenders of democracy recognize this challenge and are tirelessly working on multiple fronts to counter it. The U.S. Government labels corruption as a grave and enduring threat to its security and to its democratic partners. The International Republican Institute (IRI) understands the gravity of this challenge and works with its partners using a multi-pronged approach to counter corruption and kleptocracy around the world. IRI conducts research and produces tools and resources to equip development practitioners and stakeholders working to combat corruption on the ground with relevant skills. IRI also works closely with local partners and supports public officials and civil society in the design and implementation of context-specific responses to improve transparency and accountability, leveraging its extensive networks to build trust and receptiveness to anti-corruption reforms. Supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development, IRI published a report that highlights factors that contribute to the successes and failures of collective action movements against kleptocracy, and offers recommendations for policymakers and the business community. On the ground, IRI supported civil society organizations to promote evidence-based approaches to countering transnational kleptocratic networks and generate political incentives for engagement campaigns targeting key political actors. Aligning with the theme of this year, IRI has continued its engagement with youth on anti-corruption issues. In Mexico, funded by the State Department's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, IRI worked with two youth-led networks to counter corruption: REJA (State Youth Anticorruption Network) and CICA (Center for Innovation and Environmental Culture). Together, they brought. "Youth Challenging Corruption" workshops to over 20 universities, reaching almost 1,500 college students. However, IRI's fight against global corruption and kleptocracy is far from over. Today, marking International Anti-Corruption Day, IRI reaffirms its commitment to Anti-Corruption as it presses on with its mission to support democracy worldwide.                 

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Human Rights Day 2024

               Since the creation of this blog in 2010, its counter of visualizations doesn't work and the same is happening with my YouTube channel since its creation in 2020. For no reason,  I'm being  harmed in so many ways and for so long. Why can I not have a YouTube channel and blog with their counter of visualizations working like everyone else? However, all the world is demanding justice and equality. The Brazilian institutions including from the government must do more to reinforce human rights. Including demanding justice and fighting the daily bullying on TV. The cowardice and injustices can't carry on. The good people of the world is demanding a fairer and inclusive  Brazil, because they know about what is happening here and their demand must be heard for all.  If you want to know my channel and see a small sample of the huge worldwide movement for justice, democracy and political rights, watch my videos, here is the link Last Tuesday all over the world was celebrated the human rights, a day to remember its importance to everyone.  This post is a summary of three articles. The first was published at The second was published at The third was published at

                  Human Rights Day is observed annually around the world on 10 December. It commemorates the anniversary of one of the world's most groundbreaking global pledges: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). This landmark document enshrines the inalienable rights that everyone is entitled to as a human being. The Declaration was proclaimed by the U.N. General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948. As a "common standard of achievement for all peoples and nations", the UDHR is a global blueprint for international, national and local laws and policies and a bedrock of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Human Rights Day 2024 theme: Our Rights, Our Future, Right Now. Human rights can empower individuals and communities to forge a better tomorrow. By embracing and trusting the full power of human rights as the path to the world we want, we can become more peaceful, equal and sustainable. This year we focus on how human rights are a pathway to solutions, playing a critical role as a preventive, protective and transformative force for good. As U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterrez has said, "Human Rights are the foundation for peaceful, just and inclusive societies." This year's theme is a call to acknowledge the importance and relevance of human rights in our lives. We have an opportunity to change perceptions by speaking up against hate speech, correcting misinformation and countering disinformation. This is the time to mobilize action to reinvigorate a global movement for human rights.                                                                             America was founded on an idea - that every person is created equal and deserves to be treated equally throughout their lives. We helped establish the United Nations, upholding the inherent dignity of every person on the world stage and establishing a rules-based international order. Today our country continues to stand with our partners and allies to defend human rights around the world, from combatting threats to silence and intimidate human rights defenders to championing democracy, fair election and the universal rights to freedom of association, peaceful assembly, religion and expression. We also help to promote accountability for those responsible for human rights violations and abuses, seek to free political prisoners, and create space for civilian dialogue. And we continue to stand with free people everywhere who are bravely fighting for justice and defending life and liberty at home and around the  world. And we have worked to advance technology in support of democracy and internet freedom, while leading efforts to stop the expansion and misuse of comercial spyware, which has enabled human rights abuses around the world. Today and this week, may we reaffirm our commitment to standing up for human rights at home and around the world. The future will be won by those who unleash the full potential of their people to live with dignity, prosper, think freely, innovate, and exist and love openly without fear. Together, nothing is beyond our capacity.                                                                                                                                                                          On Human Rights Day, the European Union reaffirm its unwavering commitment to the universal respect, protection and fulfilment of human rights for everyone, everywhere. This year's theme, Our rights, Our Future, Right Now, underscores the necessity of safeguarding rights and freedoms for a just, resilient, and sustainable future. Human rights are legal, moral and actionable guarantees universal to humankind. They are essential for human dignity, equality, democracy, peace and sustainable development. Now, more than ever, we are confronted with armed conflicts, humanitarian crises, impunity, and growing inequalities. The international rules-based order, with human rights its core, remains irreplaceable.  Peace is not merely the absence of war, it requires daily work, continous commitment, and advocating for human rights, equality, non-discrimination, justice and democracy. The E.U. steadfastly supports human rights defenders, journalists, and media workers as well as all those calling for peace, truth, justice and accountability.                                                 

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Reparations for Victims of Systematic Human Rights Violations

          Since the creation of this blog in 2010, its counter of visualizations doesn't work and the same is happening with my YouTube channel since its creation in 2020. For no reason,  I'm being  harmed in so many ways and for so long. Why can I not have a YouTube channel and blog with their counter of visualizations working like everyone else? However, all the world is demanding justice and equality. The Brazilian institutions including from the government must do more to increase political inclusion, justice and reinforce human rights. The world is demanding a fairer, inclusive and better Brazil, because they know about our huge potential and their demand must be heard for all.  If you want to know my channel here is the link   This post is a summary of the report with the incomplete title above, published at

           Through a combined legal and social analysis, this paper reflects on one of the root concepts of reparation. As reparation occurs in response to victimization, this paper concentrates on the notion of victim. The notion of victim will be explored from a socio-political perspective and from an international legal perspective. By way of conclusion, these two approaches will be interwoven in order to consider a more compreensive definition of victim. "Victim is often used in every day life but also in science. The word victim is used in almost every possible context to designate anyone who suffers a negative outcome or any kind of loss, harm, injury, whether the harm is material, physical or psychological. There are victims of crime, war, accident, diseases, poverty, injustice, oppression, discrimination, natural diasters, etc. An individual's identity consists of many spheres or systems, for example, physical, inter-personal, familiar, social, religious, ethnic, cultural, material, economic and political. Ideally the individual should simultaneously have free access and be able to move freely within all these dimensions. Once the individual is described in this way, victimisation causes a rupture and a state of being stuck or frozen in this free flow. From this follows that an individual whose balance between the different identity dimensions is disturbed or broken could be called a victim. An important aspect of this approach is to look at the individual as an integrated system of many different dimensions. Victim means persons who, individually or collectively, have suffered harm, including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering, economic loss or substantial impairment of their fundamental rights, through acts or omissions that are in violation of criminal laws operative within Member states, including those laws proscribing criminal abuse of power. "A person may be considered a victim, regardless of whether the perpetrator is identified, apprehended, prosecuted or convicted. The term "victim" also includes the immediate family or dependants of the direct victim and persons who have suffered harm in intervening to assist victims in distress or to prevent victimisation. In regard to the extent of harm, a static approach might not take the further evolution of a person into account and therefore a more dynamic approach does take the evolution of a person into consideration in defining the extent of harm. The evolution taken into account by the subjective dynamic approach is the "subjective" evolution. The latter refers to what the person believes he would have achieved if the harming event would not have occurred. This structure of harm is not just a theoretical scientific conceptualisation, it is reflected in much of jurisprudence. We explored this notion in order to define victim more clearly. The advantage of describing individuals by the same principle of an integrated system of several dimensions is that it is easy to see that societies and groups of individuals can be victims in a similar way. This is important in the context of systematic violations of human rights dealing with victims of political repression. Political repression creates problems for its direct victims , but also affects a whole society socially and politically. When one considers the psychological dimension of a person it is indeed difficult to measure the harm done, because this is such a subjective question. Each person whose psychological situation has deteriorated can be considered a victim. The lack of information and investigation on behalf of the authorities into an alleged violation may amount to another violation. If a violation is found, the Court rule that fair compensatio be paid to the injury party. Standing before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights is not subject to any major limitation. Any person or an NGO may lodge a petition without necessarily being the victim of the alleged violation. The Commission can also act proprio motu. The Commission will place itself at the disposal of the parties concerned with a view to reaching a friendly settlement of the matter on the basis of respect for the human rights. These friendly settlements may include wide-raging remedies and compensatory damages. When the Commission brings a case to the court that it specifies the theory and measure of damages it is urging. As far as reparations measures for the victims are concerned, the Commission issued recommendations for the court system, prosecution and punishment of perpetrators. The legal and social science analysis indicates that under any human rights mechanism, the notion of victim should be defined as broadly as possible. Anyone who has been sufficiently directly affected by a human rights violation should be considered a victim. The broad approach to the notion should apply to both direct and indirect victims. Appropriate reparation could be made up of a combination of individual and collective oriented measures of a financial, moral and political nature. Will the legal approach to the reparations issue be able to incorporate these socio-political considerations? One possible way-out is to conceive of reparations as an obligation on behalf of the responsible state rathe than a s a subjective right of the victims. The responsible state can then meet its obligation through a combination of reparation measures. A second socio-political factor which might have an impact on who among the group of victims will receive reparation is related to what we call "public recognition selection processes". These are the mechanisms according to which some victims have the power to enforce recognition and other do not. Are victims organized in groups? Do they receive support? These socio-political mechanisms will influence the access to court ( or other official mechanisms). 

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Trauma and Self-Care

                     This post is a summary of the chapter 12 with the title above, of the book with the title of, "Manual on Human Rights Monitoring." It was published in 2011  at .

                        Effective human rights monitoring requires understanding and consideration of the impact that trauma can have on those who survived it. By their very nature, human rights violations are often traumatizing. In some cases, traumatic events can take the form of psychological humiliation and degrading treatment that serve to dehumanize and leave the survivors feeling powerless. Traumatic reactions may also arise when people are faced with situations in which they are or feel powerless, and fear for their safety, such as forced displacement. The terms "survivor of trauma" and "victim of human rights violations" often refer to the same individual, who has both survived a trauma and is a victim of one or more violations. From a psychological and sociological perspective, the term "survivor" is preferable because emphasizes strength and resilience. From a psychosocial angle, the term "victim" conveys a more passive reaction that gives more emphasis to the sufering of the individual. However, "victim of human rights violations" is the legal term designating the individual who has suffered a human rights violation and is entitled to protection from further violations and compensation for the past violations. Resilient survivors take longer to process the traumatic event but eventually return to baseline levels of functioning. Similarly, survivors are considered to be resistant to trauma when they experience almost no reaction even in the aftermath at the event. Resistant survivors return to their baseline levels of functioning within a very short period of time. While they recognize the traumatic event as dangerous and frightening, they are able to cope relatively quickly with the stress. In fact, many survivors of traumatic events regain their emotional control relatively quickly. Credibility shouldn't be based on assumptions about how trauma survivors should feel or behave. Problems in coping with a traumatic event can take many forms. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is often the most frequent health consequence, however, other forms of distress also occur. Survivors may develop other anxiety disorders, including panic attacks, phobias and general anxiety. Major depression occurs as frequently as PTSD in trauma survivors, particularly survivors of torture. Survivors who develop PTSD may be guarded and suspicious. As a result of their experiences, they may have difficulty trusting. Survivors who have been traumatized by State may be very reluctant to trust anyone in a position of authority. When investigating human rights violations, H.R. Organizations must look beyond initial impressions and consider this range of possible reactions, not only PTSD, but also depression, anxiety, insomnia and phobias. H.R.Organizations should keep in mind that reactions to past traumas can arise even after a period of normal functioning. Traumatic events are usually chaotic and emotionally overwhelming. H.R. Organizations should adopt a trauma-sensitive approach that considers the impact of trauma and respects individual differences. Interviews with survivors of trauma must be conducted in a respectful and empathic manner, particularly when asking for details of the traumatic event. H.R.Organizations should not assume that they understand what the traumatic event has meant to the person, or how he thinks about it. In advocating redress for human rights violations, HROs should consider the needs of survivors for different types of care and support. Chronic stress refers to the build-up of cumulative stressors without an adequate period of rest and recuperation. Chronic stress can cause a multitude of medical and mental health conditions, ranging from high blood pressure to gastrointestinal illnesses to anxiety and depression. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can greatly improve one's ability to tolerate stress and to recover from stressful periods. It is important to remember, however, that no stress management strategy is so effective as to eliminate stress altogether. The next step in building resilience to stress and burnout is to develop awareness of how one responds to stress. Skills that bolster tolerance to stressors help by reducing the likelihood that stress reaches levels affecting one's health. Skills that induce relaxation help the body recover and recuperate and therefore minimize the likehood of chronic stress and burnout. Ideally, periods of relaxation should be interspersed throughout the day. These do not have to be long, breathing for a few minutes two or three times a day will give the body and mind brief periods of rest. Skills that provide an outlet for energy help to deal with the excess energy that is generated by stress. Activities that help to use up that energy in a positive way can reduce feeling of stress. During stress, there is also a tendency to focus exclusively on the source of stress, making it hard to pay attention to other things and slow the mind down. Stress management can take the form of engaging activities that take the mind away from the source of stress. 

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Nobel Prize in Economics Underlines Role of Inclusive Institutions in Prosperity

                   Since the creation of this blog in 2010, its counter of visualizations doesn't work and the same is happening with my YouTube channel since its creation in 2020. For no reason,  I'm being  harmed in so many ways and for so long. Why can I not have a YouTube channel and blog with their counter of visualizations working like everyone else? However, all the world is demanding justice and equality. The Brazilian institutions must do more to guarantee the rights of the citizens. Despite the huge worldwide movement for my candidacy, I had only twelve votes according to the Brazilian voting machines. And the worldwide movement carry on, the good people of the world wants to see me working as a politician, because they know that it is where I need and deserve to be. But there is a certain  pressure on me give up my political rights and activism. Once again I'd like to thank all demonstration of support for my political rights coming from all parts of the world. This worldwide movement is already part of the world history and nobody can deny it. This post is a summary of two articles. The first with the title above was published at The second was published at

                                 The Nobel Prize 2024 in economics, was awarded to Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson of MIT and James Robinson of the University of Chicago. Their work revisits the original question raised by economics, why some nations are wealthy and others not. In a series of papers, the three winners highlight the role of economic and political institutions in determining the prosperity of nations and offers insights about how institutional structures of many nations and hence can explain their prosperity or lack of it. The "institutions hypothesis" proposed by the trio can explain the differences in economic prosperity across nations. Simply put, incentives and opportunities for investments can promote economic development and the protection of private property rights is a pre-condition for investments which ensures economic prosperity, extractive institutions on the other hand are inimical to investments and growth, as they disincentivise productive endeavours. Yet, such institutions can emerge and even persist since they provide rent extraction opportunities to the political elites. Consistent with their arguments, the authors empirically document a strong positive association between institutions and economic prosperity across nations. The insights of Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson continue to be pertinent. With income inequality rising, both across and within nations , the importance of better, inclusive institutions can't be overstated. Not only do we see more fragile and fractured societies, but the consequences of bad institutions can also be felt in growing problems. Institutional quality, measured by indicators like the strength of democracy, the rule of law, press freedom, and the absence of corruption has seen uneven progress around the world in the last decade. While some countries have made progress, other have stagnation or even worsening of institutional quality which is likely to exacerbate the host of problems.                                                                                                                             MIT economists Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson, whose work has illuminated the relationship between political systems and economic growth, have been named winners of the 2024 Nobel. James Robinson of the University of chicago, with whom they have worked closely, also share the award. "Societies with a poor rule of law and institutions that exploit the population do not generate growth or change for the better," the Swedish Academy of Sciences stated in the Nobel citation. The long-term research, which extends back for more than two decades, has empirically demonstrated that democracies, which hold to the rule of law and provide individual rights, have spurred greater economic activity over the last 500 years. In their work, Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson make a distinction between inclusive governments, which extend political liberties as broadly as possible while providing public infrastructure, with extractive political systems, where power is wielded by a small elite. Overall. the scholars have found, inclusive governments experience greatest growth. more specifically, because economic growth depends on widespread technological innovation, such advances are only sustained when and where countries promote an array of individual rights, including property rights, giving people more incentives to invent things. Elites may resist innovation and growth to hold on to power, but without the rule of law and a stable set of rights, innovation and growth stall. "Both political and economic inclusion matter, and they are synergistic," Acemoglu said during the MIT press conference.

Thursday, October 3, 2024


           Começarei este texto com um pouco da histĂłria da minha participação nas eleiçþes aqui em J.F. A minha 1Âş eleição como candidato seria em 2012, quando estava filiado no antigo PPS, mas nĂŁo pude participar porque disseram no dia da convenção que nĂŁo havia vagas. Depois em 2016, consegui disputar como candidato a vereador e tive 10 votos. Todos estranharam essa votação, pois em todos os lugares que fui, a expectativa de todos era que teria uma grande votação, inclusive as pessoas dĂŁo risada quando digo quantos votos tive. Outro fato marcante na eleição de 2016 foi que uma candidatura bateu o recorde de votos com quase 10 mil, sendo que geralmente o candidato mais votado em J.F. tem em torno de 5 mil ou 6 mil votos. Isso sĂŁo fatos histĂłricos ĂŠ sĂł pesquisar no Google. Eleição ĂŠ em evento muito sĂŠrio, ĂŠ o principal momento de uma democracia. Na prĂłxima eleição em 2018, fui candidato a deputado estadual, ainda pelo partido Solidariedade, o qual estou filiado deste 2016. Nesta eleição tive 65 votos. TambĂŠm havia a expectativa geral que teria uma grande votação, mas infelizmente essa expectativa mais uma vez nĂŁo foi confirmada. Em 2020, nĂŁo pude ser candidato a vereador, o partido disse somente no dia da convenção que sĂł tinha eu como candidato e como nĂŁo pode haver somente um candidato, tive que desistir da candidatura. Em 2022, fui candidato a deputado estadual e o movimento mundial pela minha candidatura jĂĄ estĂĄ bem intenso e evidente. Fiz um vĂ­deo com os posts do Facebook de Setembro de 2022, mĂŞs que antecedeu o dia da eleição, para que todos possam ver como o movimento pela minha candidatura jĂĄ estava muito forte na eleição de 2022. Acesse meu canal para lembrar e comprovar a mobilização demonstrada pelo mundo em torno da importância da minha candidatura jĂĄ hĂĄ dois anos. Tudo que acontece vira um fato histĂłrico e atualmente com a internet onde tudo fica gravado, fica fĂĄcil todos terem acesso para saber o que aconteceu. Esse movimento mundial pela justiça, educação, solidariedade, saĂşde, ĂŠtica, esporte, sustentabilidade, transparĂŞncia na polĂ­tica e minha candidatura vem acontecendo com muita intensidade deste 2020 e jĂĄ faz parte da histĂłria mundial. Inclusive vĂĄrias organizaçþes e polĂ­ticos jĂĄ mencionaram indiretamente este movimento. Nunca um candidato obteve tanta unanimidade em torno de sua candidatura, todos tem visto no meu Facebook e no meu canal no YouTube demonstração de apoio vinda de todos os continentes.  

Sunday, September 29, 2024

A New Political Leadership for the Twenty-First Century

                             Like I said before, there isn't much what to say in this electoral campaign that wasn't said for this worldwide movement happening since I was a candidate for the first time in 2016, but became much more intense since 2020 when I was prevented from being a candidate for city councilor. This year I'm a candidate for city councilor and my number is 77650. I'd like to thank all people supporting my candidacy and that made this candidacy possible. This report written by Marcos Pena, a independent consultant for the Americas Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C.  This post is a summary of the report with the title above and  published in December 2021 at

                               This work comes from a personal search. In December 2019, I finished my job as chief of cabinet of ministers for President Mauricio Macri in Argentina. I had the invaluable collaboration of Alberto Lederman, an Argentine consultant on leadership and organizations, for the process. He taught me a lot on the importance of the human and personal dimension of leadership. One of the lessons learned took place when I asked people I had worked with to help me take a closer look at things I had to work on that stood out. I had nearly 50 conversations asking feedback on a more personal level, and what struck me was how emotional issues and interpersonal bonding always came up. What each one took away from the shared experience were hopes, enthusiasm, disagreements, joy, and sadness. Of course, political or ideological discussions also arose, but they were always within the framework of what they experienced on a personal level. What I learned confirmed that there was something worth exploring further. I began to work more systematically to understand the human dimension of leadership. In general, the formation of a politician is rational, and he tends to omit his personhood as his career progresses. As you grow in your political career and assume more tasks, a defense mechanism is triggered that takes you to survival mode, that generally puts you on the defensive, more disconnected from emotions, less able to emphasize. Living in permanent conflict, defending positions, and receiving criticism and attacks leads to an addictive model where tactical operations become the habitual drug. Added to this complicated dynamic are the trappings of fame and public exposure. Being well known in a hyper-communication society like the one we live in is something that has an impact on the individual and their family. It is neither neutral nor natural. It restricts your freedom and it redefines relationships. Political science doesn't focus on understand fame and how it impacts a person. It is also something that has changed significantly in recent years with the advancement of digital communication. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed how limited our national and international institutions have become in tackling global issues. We must think of institutional solutions that can face global issues more effectively than our current solutions. Think of the global and the personal as two scales for the twenty-first century. Barbara Tuchman asked how good human beings are at leading us in her book March of Folly," a remarkable phenomenon throughout history beyond place or period is that humanity, it would seem, perform worse on government than on almost any other human activity. In this realm, wisdom, defined as the exercise of judgment based on experience, common sense, and available information, is less operative and more thwarted than it should be." Historically, political leadership was embodied by people who based their power on not being equal to others. Human beings who bordered on the divine or who were chosen by the deities. The architecture of power reflects that distance, which hid and alienated the leader from his subjects. Over time, that type of leadership was questioned, and a more rational-democratic leadership was sought, although we still see personalistic and populist leaders persist today. In the book, In Sickness and in Power, David Owen shows us the reality behind this deification, narrating in medical-professional detail the mental and physical health problems that the some leaders of the XX century had, especially the so-called Hubris Syndrome. He defines it as a temporary disorder suffered by people with power, characterized by the exaltation of the ego, excessiveness, contempt for the opinion of others, loss of contact with reality, and other problems. In Latin America, this vertical tradition was combined with the culture of the caudilho, which combines religious elements with a power based on being the incarnation of the people. Resentment and disenchantment exacerbate the problem, since many see political leaders as a privileged group unable to solve problems and as corrupt individuals who take advantage of and abuse power. It is a model destined to fail because nothing good can come out of that dynamic. In this context of volatility, uncertainty and complexity, we should look at the human dimension, seeing emphaty and an emotional bond with the population as a basic and necessary condition. Awareness of your humanity and connection with others is a path that helps prevent the evils of abuse of power or bad rulers. Political leadership should be designed in such a way as to reduce the risks of self-sufficiency of the group mentality that usually surrounds personalistic leadership. This will make room for the emotional component that reduces the dehumanization produced by the wear and tear of the exercise of power. The following 9 dimensions that should be included in a political leader's toolbox. All these issues feed and complement each other and offer different ways to help leaders be more connected with their humanity. 1) Mental Health and Emotional Side - It is essential to work on self-awareness, connection with emotions and psychological support in a activity as demanding as politics.  2) The Body and High Performance - Human body isn't prepared to make so many decisions and be in a context of persistent stress. They have to take a more comprehensive look at themselves. Every leader should have a toolbox that includes breathing techniques, daily movement, how to eat and the subject of sleep. 3) Presence and Communication - By analyzing human behavior, understand that authentic presence is what resonates with any audience. We must teach leaders that we communicate not only with words but with the energy of presence. This also requires training techniques practiced daily, as is done in physical training.  4) Back to Nature and Rewilding - We need to be in contact with nature. Nature helps a leader in many ways: contact with animals boosts empathy, spending time in nature gives us perspective and make us humbler.  5) Managing Character and Fame - Being famous generates various impacts one should try to prepare for. Being famous will come with loss of freedom, impact on families and your inner circle, and constant stress by being seen by others. Learning about who have gone through the phenomenon of fame can help to manage this situation and help processing the emotional, psychological and practical impact that fame brings.  6) Connecting to our Virtual World - What we digitally consume affect us mentally and emotionally. Given the addictive nature of digital platforms, we are very exposed to consuming a poor-quality digital diet. When is a leadership position, this problem can become dramatic since it is entirely up to the leader how he will use his time. It can end up working as an antianxiety agent.  7) Perspective and Widening the Gaze - Visual perspective can be trained, but it can also be worked on from the content we consume through different dimensions. One dimension has to do with looking at other realities, seeing what is happening in other countries, ideally traveling, but if not, at least consuming content that show us we can find solutions to problems that we think are exclusively our own, but that exist everywhere and reading about global perspectives.   8) The Collective - A team is the most way to contain egos and put them to work according to a common goal.  9) Sustainable Strategies: Think about Promotions and Demotions Long Term - Many political careers are thought of in terms of how to move up in the hierarchical power structure. Thinking of a career plan also helps us to think about a diversity of experiences and objectives, alternating periods of power with others of personal development. And it also helps every seasoned leader think that part of his task is to mentor new generations. Leadership should be more human, more collaborative, more connected with emotions and humbler in order to be effective. Thinking about the human dimension of political leadership changes the perspective on what it means to be a leader today. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024


                               Este deve ser o penĂşltimo texto desta campanha, infelizmente, como foi as outras campanhas,tem sido uma campanha muito simples. Deste a implementação do fundo eleitoral disse que ele serviria para aumentar as desigualdades entre os candidatos que jĂĄ tem mandatos e os novatos que tentam a renovação. Mas ainda bem que tenho o ativismo na internet e um movimento mundial me apoiando. Nestes dez dias que faltam para o dia da eleição tentarei distribuir mais material publicitĂĄrio. E tambĂŠm manterei a campanha diĂĄria na internet.  SĂŁo vĂĄrios os problema que tenho que superar na minha vida e a falta de dinheiro para a campanha ĂŠ sĂł mais um deles. Dia 6 de Outubro ĂŠ o dia de votar e espero que todos votem pelo que ĂŠ certo, ĂŠtico, pelos valores humanistas, pela justiça, pelo pensamento coerente, sensato, solidĂĄrio e universal.  A democracia deve ser aprimorada, mas isso ocorre nĂŁo sĂł no Brasil, vĂĄrios paĂ­ses estĂŁo passando por momentos difĂ­ceis com relação Ă  democracia e a polĂ­tica.  EstĂĄ descrença na democracia e na polĂ­tica ĂŠ em parte por causa da corrupção, e em parte por causa da falta de incentivo aos novatos pelo sistema. Mas a corrupção pode ser um problema igual ou pior na ditadura. Para combater a corrupção ĂŠ necessĂĄrio aumentar a transparĂŞncia dos governos e empresas pĂşblicas e a fiscalização por parte dos organismos competentes e do legislativo. E sem democracia nĂŁo hĂĄ direitos humanos e sem direitos humanos nĂŁo hĂĄ democracia. Por isso ganhando ou nĂŁo temos todos que continuar defendendo a democracia e os direitos humanos, pois sem isso restarĂĄ a distopia, que ĂŠ a vitĂłria da injustiça, da hipocrisia, do silĂŞncio da população, do medo. HĂĄ mais de duas dĂŠcadas luto contra a injustiça, o bullying e a ignorância e pode ter certeza que ĂŠ chegada a hora da justiça começar. AlĂŠm de todos os obstĂĄculos que temos que superar para tornar o Brasil melhor, nĂŁo podemos esquecer tambĂŠm do bullying que vem ocorrendo diariamente, atĂŠ por parte de empresas grandes da mĂ­dia tradicional. E esse bullying  pode estar sendo usado para vĂĄrios motivos. Para intimidar e nĂŁo deixa tambĂŠm de ser uma ameaça a todos. Como disse o filĂłsofo Montesquieu, "a injustiça que se faz a um, ĂŠ uma ameaça que se faz a todos." Mais um motivo talvez seja o de provocar medo na população, talvez com o objetivo do controle e da manipulação. Diga nĂŁo as tentativas de culpabilização das vĂ­timas, diga nĂŁo a inversĂŁo de valores.  E tambĂŠm este bullying pode estar sendo usado para desviar a atenção da população para os reais problemas do paĂ­s. De qualquer modo temos que dar a resposta agora na urna. Tenho escrito muito sobre a importância da relação entre democracia e direitos humanos no meu blog. E tenho percebido nas minhas caminhadas para a campanha que o povo tem entendido isto. O povo estĂĄ entendendo que estĂĄ luta nĂŁo ĂŠ sĂł minha, como hĂĄ dois anos atrĂĄs, tenho sentido o apoio do povo em todos os lugares que vou. Toda violação de direito nĂŁo pode ficar impune, pois caso isso ocorra, poderia abrir um precedente muito perigoso para a democracia, para a justiça, para o direito de cada um de nĂłs. EstĂĄ luta contra a injustiça ĂŠ de todos. Juntos podemos melhorar a justiça, garantir os direitos mais bĂĄsicos dos cidadĂŁos, os direitos humanos sĂŁo os direitos mais bĂĄsicos e devem ser respeitado por todos. E quando a violação destes direitos acontecem por tantos anos temos que buscar a justiça para compensar tanto dano moral, material e psicolĂłgico. Votar em quem defende os direitos humanos ĂŠ votar em vocĂŞ.  

Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Global State of Democracy 2024: Strengthening the Legitimacy of Elections in a Time of Radical Uncertainty

                       This post is a summary of the book with the title above published in 2024 at

                         The 2024 elections falls fittingly into this era of uncertainty, with candidates and political parties using potentially transformational policy agendas. In most cases, the inherent and healthy uncertainty of elections sparks the kind of debate that drives democracy forward. In other contexts, however, it can motivate more hostile disputes and unrest. The credible elections index aggregates indicators that measure the extent to which elections are free from irregularities, such as flaws and biases in the voter registration and campaign processes, voter intimidation and fraudulent counting. The Index of Credible Elections is a key indicator to consider in evaluating the quality of representation around the world. In our most recent data, we find that 39 countries performed worse in this area than they had in 2018. For different reasons, Guatemala stands apart from the trends. It is an ambiguous case, in which there has been a significant decline in the Cridible Elections Index, but the final outcome of the 2023 election was that the person who received the most votes took office. One of the main features of the Guatemala process that illustrate another global trend is the judicialization of elections. President ArĂŠvalo and his party faced investigation by prosecutors, attempts to have his candidacy invalidated. Rights Index is an aggregate measure ofa fair system, respect for civil liberties, the extent to which the material and social supports of democracy are available and the degree to which political equality between social groups is realized. Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Press refers to the right to openly discuss political issues and express political opinions outside the mass media and to considerations of the broader information environment. Freedom of the Press measures the extent to which the news media are diverse, honest, critical of the government and free from censorship, it also measure independence of the media. Although digital repression has become the favourite tool of authoritarian regimes, its use is not exclusive to such regimes. In recent years, democracies and autocracies alike have seen a rise in digital censorship, the use of spyware, disinformation and information manipulation. To better safeguard democracy against existing digital threats, democracies must reinforce the protection of citizens' rights. This includes shielding citizens from invasive digital surveillance, making online platform more accountable, creating safeguards for AI and adjusting data protection. Judicial Independence denotes the extent to which the courts are not subject to undue influence from the other branches of government. The most recent Global State of Democracy Index data reveal that several key phases of the electoral cycle are suffering from declines. Credible Elections scores (which measure competition, occurrence of fraud, government intimidation, fairness of legal framework) are among the most declining metrics around the world. These declines are compounded by significant downturns in other factors necessary for a legitimate electoral cycle, including indicators of Free Political Parties and respect for Freedom of Expression. Unsurprising, popular perceptions of electoral integrity are also suffering. There are several reasons why understanding electoral integrity is critical to democracy. First, while elections are not sufficient to qualify a political system as democratic, it is well established that they are a core minimum for any democracy. Second, a robust concept of electoral integrity is key for reform. Election organizations must understand where the weaknesses in the electoral process are so that they can work to strengthen those activities and procedures. A recent study found that vote counting has emerged as an area of significant decline. These recent findings are important to consider, especially in comparison with the GSoD data. The latter data set shows that metrics of Credible Elections, which include assessments of intentional irregularities and voter fraud, government intimidation and independence of electoral organizations. There are multiple, complex drivers of public perceptions of electoral integrity, Specifically, addressing voter and stakeholder concerns related to vote counting, which our data reveal to be areas that people pay the most attention to, will require new levels of action. Public perceptions matter for electoral integrity. It is, after all, voters who ultimately grant legitimacy to elected governments. In an age when electoral processes face a bevy of new challenges, and public trust in democratic institutions is declining, protecting electoral integrity is of utmost importance. While some experts pointed to campaign finance as among the weakest aspect of the electoral cycle, our data reveal that court challenges and the public are much more focused on voting counting. Voters pay attention to the regulations, and deviations matter in public assessments of the credibility of elections. If elections are to continue to act as the foundation stone of democratic systems, it is critical to reinforce public trust in them. Integrating popular opinion into the activities of the electoral cycle is one important step in this process.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


                      Dia 6 de Outubro ĂŠ um dia especial para todos os Brasileiros, ĂŠ dia de eleiçþes. Especialmente para os eleitores de Juiz de Fora terĂĄ de ser um dia de reflexĂŁo sobre temas muito importantes para a vida de todos. Neste blog que tenho deste Agosto de 2010, ou Facebook que tenho estar expondo  todas as razĂľes pelas quais ĂŠ muito importante que minha candidatura saia vitoriosa da eleição no prĂłximo mĂŞs. De fato, penso que estĂĄ importância vai muito alĂŠm dos limites do municĂ­pio. Poderia atĂŠ dizer dos limites do estado e do paĂ­s. Por isso, penso que a eleição do dia 6 de Outubro ĂŠ diferenciada das outras, porque milhĂľes estarĂŁo esperando o resultado das urnas daqui da cidade. Para votar, o eleitor deve olhar o que o candidato jĂĄ fez sem recursos e sem cargos polĂ­ticos, o que estĂĄ fazendo com as condiçþes que tem, e o que empoderado com um cargo polĂ­tico, poderĂĄ fazer. HĂĄ muitos artigos explicando o que o eleitor deve procurar nos candidatos para fazer uma boa escolha. E se o eleitor os leu, sabe que este candidato tem todas as caracterĂ­sticas de um bom, autĂŞntico e qualificado polĂ­tico. Inclusive, trabalhando em contato direto com o povo dos 14 anos atĂŠ os dias atuais. E estĂĄ proximidade espero levar para sempre, apesar das tentativas de me isolar, inclusive com as humilhaçþes diĂĄrias que venho passando nos Ăşltimos 24 anos de vida. Nesta humilde e simples campanha que estou fazendo, estou tentando expĂ´r a importância da representatividade da minha candidatura, questĂľes que venho defendendo nestes 18 anos de ativismo e que precisam cada vez mais de apoio, espaço na mĂ­dia e incentivo. E talvez por isso mesmo, venho passando por esses enormes desafios, privaçþes, humilhaçþes e bullying nestes Ăşltimos 24 anos de vida. Espero contar com a ajuda da população para ter mais condiçþes de defender a democracia, a educação e os direitos bĂĄsicos dos cidadĂŁos, isto ĂŠ, defender os direitos Ă  saĂşde, a educação, ao desenvolvimento da prĂłpria população. Espero que todos tenham o discernimento de entender questĂľes defendidas hĂĄ sĂŠculos pela humanidade como prioritĂĄrias na hora de votar e nĂŁo se deixam levar por mentiras, compra de votos, promessas, ameaças, etc. E claro nĂŁo vendam seu voto, nĂŁo sejam corrompidos por ilusĂľes. Por tudo que venho passando, talvez por defender o que venho defendendo. Por feito Economia (incompleto) e Letras e ter lido dezenas de livros sobre as questĂľes que defendo. Por lutar e defender questĂľes essenciais, apesar de muitas vezes ser chamado de vĂĄrios apelidos que tentam me desanimar e enfraquecer a luta. Por ter este ativismo de dezoito anos. Por tudo que os eleitores sabem que aconteceu e vem acontecendo hĂĄ pelo menos 3 dĂŠcadas, penso que sou o mais preparado para o cargo de vereador, o mais merecedor dos votos dos eleitores e o que precisa mais de um cargo polĂ­tico e nĂŁo ĂŠ somente eu que digo isso, o mundo tambĂŠm estĂĄ dizendo.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Day of Fighting Injustice - 2024 - Part II

                      Since the creation of this blog in 2010, its counter of visualizations doesn't work and the same is happening with my YouTube channel since its creation in 2020. For no reason,  I'm being  harmed in so many ways and for more than two decades. Why can I not have a YouTube channel and blog with their counter of visualizations working like everyone else? However, now all the world is demanding justice and equality. The Brazilian institutions including from the federal, state and city government must do more to increase political inclusion, fairness, responsiveness to public demands. Once again I'd like to thank everyone doing this worldwide movement stronger than ever, using their time and internet to raise awareness to injustices happening around the world. I'll be forever grateful to those helping with their solidarity. If you want to know my channel, watch my videos, Despite rumours that I wouldn't be a candidate, I'm now a candidate for city councilor and my number is 77650.    This post is a summary of two article. The first was published at The second was published at

                         We live in a world full of injustices. When we encounter them, it can be hard to know how to respond. Injustices comes in many forms, and so there are many ways to fight against it. Sometimes, there are relatively simple steps one can take to fight against injustice, steps that do not take much time. This includes speaking up when you hear a derogatory comment. While this may be simple. it can still be challenging to do and have a powerful impact on others. Sometimes talking to someone about their language is not enough. Not everyone is open to these conversations. And, often the problems goes far beyond bigoted comments. Comments may be joined with harmful actions and even policies. These all contribute to the creation of a culture of injustice. A culture that you very well may be told is impenetrable. You can't listen to the voice telling you change is impossible. Throughout history we have seen the impossible come to pass. We have seen change be implemented. We have seen how one person can spark a movement, and how even the most insurmountable obstacles can be tackled. You can make a difference, and change is possible. So how do you fight for change when you witness an injustice? First, you have to have three things: hope, grit, and joy. Without hope for a better future things will never change. You must advocate knowing that a difference can be made and let that drive you. You must also have grit. Advocacy can be like driving on a long and rocky road scattered with fallen trees and other obstacles. It will not always be easy, and there are sure to be many challenges along the way. So you must be enduring, adaptable, and patient. Third, you have to find joy. When traveling on that long and difficult road it can be hard to find joy in your work, but it is much easier to reach your destination with it. You have to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally, to be able to keep working for change. Looking for and holding on to the joy in your work will help with that, It also can open your mind to new, effective, and creative means to spread your message. Now, given you have hope, grit, and joy, what specific steps can you take to advocate for change?   1) One option is to communicate with decision makers. These are your elected officials and other people in positions of power.   2) Another option is to organize and/or attend a protest, demonstration, or rally. Protests can bring attention to an issue, educate others, and garner support. When organizing a protest, make sure your purpose is clear. You should also generate solidarity and craft a unified and inclusive message.   3) You may also use more creative means to spread your message. They are powerful, and generate empathy.                                                                                                   The fight for justice in the face of injustice is a never-ending battle that require courage, perseverance, and a strong sense of morality. In the context of wrongful convictions, the need for justice is more pressing than ever, as innocent people continue to be imprisoned or even executed due to systemic flaws in the justice systems. In this section, we'll explore the different ways in which individuals and organizations are fighting for justice and discuss the challenges they face in their quest for a more just and fair society. Advocacy and awareness campaigns are crucial tool in the fight for justice. These campaigns aim to raise public awareness about the issue of wrongful convictions, and to mobilize public support to prevent future miscarriages of justice. Legal advocacy and litigation are also important tools in the fight for justice and reform. Lawyers and legal organizations can work to exonerate wrongfully convicted individuals, challenge unjust laws. Activism is also important tool in the fight for justice. Local communities can work together to raise awareness about wrongful convictions, and hold persons accountable for their actions. The fight for justice in the face of injustice requires a multi-faceted approach that involves advocacy and awareness campaign, legal advocacy and litigation, legislative advocacy and activism. By working together and using a variety of tools and strategies, we can create a more just and fair society that values the rights and dignity of all individuals. Activism is important because it empowers individuals and groups to challenge the status quo and bring about change. It is a way for people to use their voice and make their opinions heard. There are many examples of social activism throughout history. One of the most well-known examples is the civil rights movements in the U.S. Advocacy serves as a powerful tool to shed light on the injustices faced by those unlawfully confined. Through  advocacy, individuals can amplify the voices of the victims, raise public awareness, and rally support for their cause. By harnessing the power of advocacy, the plight of those in unlawful confinement can be brought to the forefront, compelling authorities to take action. Fighting for justice isn't easy, especially when it comes to witness tampering. This despicable act can have a significant impact on the outcome of a trial, however, there are ways to combat witness tampering and fight for justice. One way to combat witness tampering is to implement stronger legal protection for witness. This cloud include providing witness with anonymity or protection from retaliation. By making it more difficult for individuals to tamper with witness, we can help ensure that justice is served. Another challenge is the resistance that innocence organizations may face is from the justice system. Prosecutors and others may be resistant to admitting that they made a mistake or engaged in misconduct, and may fight efforts to overturn wrongful convictions. Innocence organizations must be persistent in their efforts.

Thursday, September 12, 2024


                               Dia 6 de Outubro ĂŠ a hora de decidirmos pelo futuro que queremos, faça uma reflexĂŁo pela democracia e contra a distopia, pela educação e contra a ignorância, pela verdade e contra a mentira, pelo respeito e contra o bullying, pela justiça e pela transparĂŞncia do governo e depois desta reflexĂŁo com certeza vocĂŞ vai querer votar em um candidato que representa toda essa dicotomia, vocĂŞ entĂŁo com certeza vai VOTAR 77650. Temos que dizer que cidade queremos para os prĂłximos anos e no futuro. Seja um eleitor que efetivamente participa nas eleiçþes, se estĂĄ decepcionado com a polĂ­tica, vote num candidato que tem dezoito anos de ativismo online, vote num candidato que com certeza levarĂĄ transparĂŞncia para o legislativo e para o governo. Vote em quem quer provar que uma polĂ­tica  melhor ĂŠ possĂ­vel, mais participativa, eficiente, responsĂĄvel, inclusiva e produtiva.                                                                            VocĂŞ pode perceber lendo meu blog que existe deste Setembro de 2010 que nestes dezoito anos de ativismo, escrevi muito sobre educação, mas ĂŠ por causa da importância do tema. Todos jĂĄ sabemos o que precisa ser feito para a educação melhorar, como por exemplo: tempo integral, turmas menores, aulas de reforço, exames padronizados regulares, concurso para professores.  Mas a disciplina em sala tem que ser mais exigida, de nada adianta, ter estĂĄs condiçþes e tambĂŠm o professor bem preparado e renumerado, se ele nĂŁo consegue trabalhar. Perde-se muito tempo com a indisciplina.                                                                                                                                                   A leitura de livros ĂŠ muito importante, seja a leitura de livros didĂĄticos ou nĂŁo. Sou a favor de mais investimento nas bibliotecas. Se vocĂŞ quer mais cultura e conhecimento, vote em  quem vem defendendo estes temas hĂĄ muito anos, inclusive divulgando os benefĂ­cios da literatura para melhor compreensĂŁo do mundo, das circunstâncias e das pessoas. TambĂŠm precisamos renovar as bibliotecas pĂşblicas para tornĂĄ-las mais Ăşteis para a população. Um exemplo de como isto pode ser feito: ter tambĂŠm juntos no mesmo espaço, computadores com conexĂŁo para internet, emprĂŠstimo de DVD, aulas para reforço escolar e curso de fĂŠrias de leitura e redação. Portanto, Se vocĂŞ quer mais acesso da população Ă  cultura, educação e conhecimento, vote 77650.                                                                                                                             É preciso combater o desperdĂ­cio de dinheiro pĂşblico, obras paradas e incompletas significam investimento que nĂŁo beneficia e ao mesmo tempo pode atĂŠ estar prejudicando.É preciso uma melhor fiscalização e transparĂŞncia do dinheiro pĂşblico. Para que a população veja a verdade, a transparĂŞncia governamental e a liberdade de imprensa devem  ser fortalecidas, dados oficiais devem ser divulgados.                                                                                                                                                 Se eleito uma das minhas prioridades serĂĄ defender os direitos humanos, temos que evitar as distopias que as vezes podem acontecer sem a nossa percepção instantânea, e mesmo depois quando percebemos fica difĂ­cil evitar as injustiças, qualquer precedente de impunidade de violaçþes deve ser combatido. Mesmo que nĂŁo chegue ao ponto de existir uma distopia, mas temos que combater tambĂŠm uma democracia disfuncional, injusta e irreal. Defender os direitos humanos nĂŁo e' demagogia e' uma lei internacional acima de qualquer outra.  As leis supremas de um paĂ­s sĂŁo: a constituição e os direitos humanos, e ambas devem prevalecer sobre qualquer outra.                                                                                                                                                Todos devem entender que os impostos, os polĂ­ticos, os servidores pĂşblicos, enfim todo o setor pĂşblico existe para fazer funcionar bem o estado, a maquina estatal. O poder que exercem ĂŠ mantido com o dinheiro que o povo paga atravĂŠs dos impostos, em em seu benefĂ­cio deve ser praticado.                                                                                                                                                                          Sou totalmente a favor de maior participação popular na polĂ­tica, para isso seria bom que existem mais mecanismos que permitam essa participação, como por exemplo: orçamento participativo, reverendos e plebiscitos, assembleias populares, associaçþes de bairros. O povo merece e deve ser ouvido. Mas lĂłgico sem desrespeitar a constituição e os direitos humanos que sĂŁo leis mĂĄximas que todos os paĂ­ses sĂŁo obrigados a respeitar. Sou a favor de todos que querem ser candidatos possam exercer esse direito. Tem que haver mais espaço para incentivar a população a participar da eleição, disso depende uma vibrante e plena democracia.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Day of Fighting Injustice - 2024

                Seventeen days ago, precisely on 23rd of August was celebrated in Brazil, the day of fighting injustice. We all must defend justice, because when there is some systematic injustice happening for so long, a dangerous precedent can happen, destroying democracy, undermining rule of law and human rights and possibly spreading more injustice. So, the public trust in our institutions is severely harmed. Besides, when there is not justice, the abuses tend to grow, spreading and affecting many more people. So if you have witnessed any violation of human rights, record it and help fight injustice.  The systematic violations, the impunity, the daily bullying on mainstream media, the threats online and offline exist to do the victims give up to fight for their rights and reparations. Besides the violations, the systematic abuses, the daily humiliation and the impunity can have a dehumanizing effect in the population, trying us accept what can not be accepted, do not let this happen to you, the solidarity and the empathy are the essence of the human beings and our civilization. We all should recognize who have courage to defend our human rights including our political rights. Because always there are costs to do this, so help who is losing to defend our rights. And one way the citizens can help is voting in candidates that speak up for our human rights, including our political and social rights. One of this candidates is the writer of this blog and his number is 77650. This post is a summary of two articles. The first was published at The second was published at

                           Injustice did not sit right with Martin Rosenzweig, something that made him not only an impressive lawyer, but also a trustworthy and generous friend. He died at the age 71 on July 19,2023, in Henderson, Nevada. Rosenzweig was born in McKeeport, Pennsylvania. At Pitt, he earned an undergraduate degree in political science before graduating from the School of Law in 1977. Even as a young attorney, Rosenzweig put his value first. While working for a Philadelphia insurance provider, he disagree with the settlement offered to a family whose child died in an accident. When he was encouraged to advocate for the family to take less money than he felt deserved, he resigned from the position. Rosenzweig then returned to the Pittsburg, landing a position as an attorney for Laurel Legal Services, a nonprofit that offered free legal representation in civil matters to local low-income individuals. He spent decades there. He served as a mentor to interns and early-career attorneys and often traded case strategy ideas with colleagues during carpools into the office. Guided by the motto, "justice, justice, shalt you pursue," Rosenzweig believed everyone deserves access to quality legal representation. He had a special affinity for working with the elderly and developed expertise in elder law, working closely with the area on aging to provide free legal services to the elderly.                                                                                                                                       The prospect of a full ground invasion in Rafah, Gaza, and the potential of the forcible transfer of more than 1.5 million people looms large like a dark and sinister cloud. Images of children scooping flour up with their hands and hurriedly shoving it in their pockets symbolizes the desesperation. Yet amid all of this despair, in the World Social Forum of 2024 in Kathmandu, Nepal last week reinforced the belief that there is so much solidarity still within the world and a deep connected sense of humanity. People from all corners of the world gathered at this event, with the intention of demonstrating people power, social movements, grassroots activists, human rights defenders and individuals working on various issues stepping forward to share their struggles, working to prove that another world is possible. Activists from Sri Lanka, Latin America, Palestine, Myanmar, and many other places where the population is supressed by authoritarian regimes gathered to reflect on the global trend towards the rise of populist governments who are coming into power across all continents, undermining the principles and values of democracy. 35,000 people gathered to reaffirm their commitment to work with communities, people's organisations, movements, groups and networks and other allies to overcome the structural causes and consequences of poverty and injustice while promising to connect the work being done with broader efforts for justice and commit to engage in movements at national and global levels to make the greatest contribution towards a just and sustainable world. Believing that change is possible and rooted in the individual and collective empowerment of those most affected to claim and defend the rights over the long term, we committed to ensure deepened democracy, meaningful participation and campaigning for just and credible alternatives and strengthening work that collaborates with movements sustained by global solidarity and committed supporters. As a global movement, we are fighting against systems of injustice that view people to be sacrificed by systems of exploitation and domination. Our collective struggle is for economic and political justice and for a world where everyone has the right to live with dignity, free from oppression.

Thursday, September 5, 2024


                          Nestes 18 anos de ativismo, entre as muitas causas que defendo, tenho feito um ativismo para melhorar a polĂ­tica. E isso somente pode ser feito com mais transparĂŞncia nos atos do legislativo e do poder executivo. Mas hĂĄ muito a ser feito, principalmente no que se refere a igualdade nas eleiçþes, o povo nĂŁo quer assĂŠdio eleitoral. Minha preocupação em melhorar a polĂ­tica com mais democracia e mais transparĂŞncia vem sendo demonstrada deste o inĂ­cio do ativismo online em 2006. Logo no começo, quando escrevia os textos no meu email, no Infocentro da UFJF, que infelizmente nĂŁo tenho mais. Foram vĂĄrios resumos sobre polĂ­tica. A internet pode ajudar muito a melhorar a polĂ­tica e venho tentando demonstrar isto, como por exemplo, em Outubro de 2011, publiquei no meu blog, uma entrevista com o fundador do Wikileaks, Julian Assange em que ele fala sobre sua esperança de ver uma polĂ­tica melhor com o uso da internet Este outro de Fevereiro de 2012, diz como o governo Americano estĂĄ tentado usar a internet para desenvolver polĂ­ticas pĂşblicas que atendem a vontade popular. E de como a internet estĂĄ ajudando na popularização de dados oficiais. Este de Agosto de 2012, conta-nos como a internet pode ajudar na transparĂŞncia governamental e no engajamento popular na polĂ­tica, deste que respeitado o direito Ă  privacidade dos cidadĂŁos, para nĂŁo haver nenhuma tentativa de retaliação aos possĂ­veis dissidentes. E se houver qualquer violação de privacidade, a justiça deve acontecer com a devida reparação. Estes dois dizem sobre a importância do ensino de democracia, sobre os valores democrĂĄticos que devem ser difundidos, como por exemplo: respeito aos direitos humanos, consciĂŞncia cĂ­vica e coletiva, desenvolvimento ĂŠtico. A segunda parte diz sobre como ĂŠ longo e ĂĄrduo o trabalho para melhorar a democracia, mas todos devem contribuir para uma melhor democracia, pois sĂŁo nossas vidas em questĂŁo, o presente que temos e o futuro que queremos ter. . Enfim estes sĂŁo sĂł alguns posts que fiz sobre como uma funcional, justa e plena democracia ĂŠ possĂ­vel. Precisamos da colaboração de todos se quisermos uma polĂ­tica melhor, eu tenho feito o que posso, mais que isso somente se me tornar um polĂ­tico. Penso que estes dezoito anos de ativismo foram de uma enorme colaboração para uma melhor democracia. Tanto ĂŠ assim que o mundo reconhece o trabalho que tenho feito. Mas quero fazer mais e para isso preciso muito da ajuda de todos, espero contar com sua ajuda, com seu voto. HĂĄ outras maneiras de melhorar a democracia, alĂŠm dos que mencionei neste post: usando a internet e educando para os verdadeiros valores democrĂĄticos e humanistas. 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

5 Ways to Turn a Social Media Campaign Into a Movement

                 Once again I'd like to thank everyone take parting in this huge worldwide movement. For more than two decades I've heard people laughing at me, people indirectly saying that the people doesn't care about injustice unless it's happening to them. I've been bullied every day, but now all the world is demanding justice. I'll be eternally grateful to those behind this wonderful movement. We need more people fighting for a better world and the world recognize someone who is doing this for around four decades. All the world and me hope that people here can understand how important is to empower someone who has been so wronged, so humiliated, so bullied, but doesn't give never up because knows that everyone else knows that has been always helping other and doing good deeds. Actually the world is doing history and show us who deserve and need to become a politician. Thanks very much good people of the world. You exist and are many. ✊✊✊✊✊. Altough in this blog I write for the world, because I know that millions around the world read it every Sunday. This month I can't let to address the people here in the city where I live, please don't forget to vote in 6th of October together with the good people of the world. Vote Luciano Fietto, number 77650. This post is a summary of the article with the title above published at

                  The use of social media as a powerful tool for social movement is unquestionable. From Human Rights Campaign's red equal sign to the It Gets Better Project campaign, social media has proven highly effective at drawing attention to a cause. Any individual or organisation can launch a campaign on social media, but simply starting a movement is not enough. The goal is to champion a cause in such a way that it resonates with others. When it comes to creating a social media campaign that engages with people on a human level, the following 5 elements are key.    1) Pick a cause you believe in - The obvious first step is to pick a specific cause, such as raising awareness of a political concern, fundraising for a charity or highlighting an environmental issue. The important thing is that it's something you genuinely believe in. Authenticity is a key aspect of a successful social media movement.    2) Define the goal of the campaign - The aim of the social media campaign must be clearly defined, This objective will influence everything from the language used, the platforms that are leveraged to how people engage with the campaign. Determining the ultimate goal will also help to create a compelling call to action. By giving people something they can respond to and rally behind, you greatly increase the chances of the campaign going viral.  3) Show what the cause means to you - The virality of a movement on social media is determined by whether people can empathise on a human level. You need to show why people should care about a particular cause and what impact it could have on them or someone around them. By providing your personal reasons for supporting this cause, you can lend credibility and increase the likelihood that it will strike a chord with people in your network.   4) Let other share their story - The most effective campaigns have a human touch that people can connect with and that prompts them to share their experiences. A campaign must provide a platform for contributors to express what a particular cause means to them. It should also give people the flexibility to share in a manner that suits them best, the It Gets Better Project enables contributors to share both video and written submissions of their stories.    5) Select the right social media tools - The tools you use will depend on your objective. If it's to raise awareness, effective messaging and social presence may be all that is needed. Idle No More movement was initially viewed as a local campaign before it used Facebook and Twitter to gain international recognition. A petition platform, such as - can be combined with social networks to urge policymakers to address a political or societal issue. When starting an effective social media movement, it is worth remembering that the greater the authenticity and flexibility, the greater the chance of virality and ultimately, success.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


                  Bom dia, boa tarde, boa noite. Depende da hora que vc estarĂĄ lendo esse texto. Esse ĂŠ o 1Âş texto da campanha para a eleição de 2024. SerĂĄ um texto por semana, atĂŠ a Ăşltima semana de campanha, antes do dia 6 de Outubro. AlĂŠm desses textos da campanha, continuarei com os resumos nos fins de semana como acontece deste 2010. Como todos podem ler no perfil deste blog,  tenho feito um ciberativismo Ă  favor de uma educação de qualidade, em defesa dos direitos humanos, uma polĂ­tica e um governo mais transparentes, isso ĂŠ importante para maior produtividade do dinheiro pĂşblico, e do desenvolvimento sustentĂĄvel. Tenho escrito tambĂŠm sobre a importância do ciberativismo. Mas o que ĂŠ ciberativismo? É uma forma de ativismo pela internet, tambĂŠm chamada de ativismo online ou digital, usada para defender e divulgar causas, fazer reivindicaçþes e organizar mobilizaçþes. Pode ser praticado por qualquer pessoa que tem acesso Ă  internet e de vĂĄrias formas. HĂĄ dezoito anos faço ciberativismo, um ativismo educativo que ajuda todos a entender melhor questĂľes importantes para o mundo e o Brasil, nĂŁo somente para nossas cidades, nossas comunidades. Atualmente, com a ajuda da internet, hĂĄ milhĂľes de ativistas no mundo defendendo suas causas e muito contribuem para a melhoria de questĂľes fundamentais para uma vida digna e melhor. Pessoalmente nĂŁo conheço ninguĂŠm fazendo um ativismo tĂŁo intenso ( todo fim de semana coloco um resumo no blog e diariamente coloco posts no face) e extenso (por dezoito anos) como o que eu faço. Deste 2020 tenho tambĂŠm um canal no YouTube TambĂŠm faço um ativismo em prol da justiça e da importância da cultura, da dignidade e da verdade, porque qualquer ativismo online ou nĂŁo, pode contribuir para a melhoria das cidades, dos estados e dos paĂ­ses.  É indiscutĂ­vel os benefĂ­cios que a internet trouxe a democracia, ao acesso ao conhecimento, ao acesso a educação, e para que esse benefĂ­cio seja ampliado temos que usar os recursos digitais que estĂŁo a nossa disposição atualmente. VocĂŞ pode conferir alguns destes posts nestes links: Este outro ĂŠ sobre como a internet pode ajudar a proteger os direitos humanos, a democracia e a justiça no mundo. Este ĂŠ sobre como a internet pode ajudar a aproximar o povo da polĂ­tica e da tomada de decisĂľes sobre polĂ­ticas pĂşblicas.  Este agora ĂŠ sobre como a internet contribuiu para o imenso e espontâneo protesto de Junho de 2013 nas cidades Brasileiras, inclusive o tĂ­tulo do resumo jĂĄ diz muito, "Protestos no Brasil marcam a evolução da democracia da era digital."

Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Mechanisms of Psychosocial Injury Following Human Rights Violations

                    Since the creation of this blog in 2010, its counter of visualizations doesn't work and the same is happening with my YouTube channel since its creation in 2020. For no reason,  I'm being  harmed in so many ways and for more than two decades. Why can I not have a YouTube channel and blog with their counter of visualizations working like everyone else? However, now all the world is demanding justice and equality. The Brazilian institutions including from the federal, state and city government must do more to increase political inclusion, fairness, responsiveness to public demands. Once again I'd like to thank everyone doing this worldwide movement stronger than ever, using their time and internet to raise awareness to injustices happening around the world. I'll be forever grateful to those helping with their solidarity. If you want to know my channel, watch my videos, Despite rumours that I wouldn't be a candidate, I'm now a candidate for city councilor and my number is 77650.  This post is a summary of the article with the incomplete title above published at

                         When human rights are systematically violated, the legacy can be enduringly toxic for individuals, cultures, and societies. In the context of political violence, events such as being threatened, witnessing the deaths of others, being tortured, and bullied, witnessing atrocities are enacted with the purpose of instilling terror, or demonstrating the power of the perpetrating group. For victims, these experiences are often also accompanied by forced disconnection from familial, social and cultural communities and resources. Not surprisingly, research has demonstrated that exposure to human rights violations, coupled with enduring deprivation and adversity, affects mental health outcomes, most notably creating risk for psychological disorders such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. There is a long-standing recognition, however, that these diagnostic categories may be inadequate to describe the effects of these events across multiple domains. Survivors of human rights violations (HRVs) also often exhibit a range of other reactions, including profound and impairing changes to self-efficacy, and core existential beliefs, as well as pervasive feelings of anger, humiliation and betrayal. We draw on and integrate diverse lines of inquiry across multiple domains of human functioning (social, psychological,etc) to propose three key pathways by which violence, displacement, and refugee-related disruptions cause and maintain psychosocial injury, which we define as psychological distress and impairment in psychological and social functioning in survivors of human rights violations. To date, however, no research has examined the individual and combined association between these factors and post-human rights violations mental health. Our proposed framework draws on and extends previous research and models of care by integrating established theoretical principles of the psychological effects of trauma, empirical evidence from clinical and social psychology, clinical observation from work conducted with survivors of human rights violations and contextual factors related to human rights violations. In settings where HRVs typically occur, the individual may be victim to countless unpredictable instances of persecution; further, he may witness atrocities perpetrated against family, friends, or strangers while being powerless to intervene. This sense of helplessness may be compounded as the person is stripped of control of other areas of his life. Traumatic stress have also highlighted the importance of perceptions of control during and after a traumatic event. HRVs are often related to persecution on the basis of an aspect of ethnic, political, religious, cultural, or other identity. Violence, persecution, and the intentional infliction of trauma directly violate the status of the victim as a worthwhile human being, deserving of basic human rights. One critical question is whether it is necessary to develop models of prevention and treatment that specifically target factors that cause posttraumatic symptoms and functional impairment after exposure to HRVs. One of the most strongly validated treatment for PTSD is prolonged exposure therapy, which requires repeated imaginal reliving of the trauma memory. Recent research has attested to the efficacy of narrative exposure therapy in reducing symptoms of PTSD and improving functioning in a variety of groups. In this article, we integrated existing lines of theoretical and research inquiry to propose a comprehensive model of the mechanisms underlying the relationship between exposure to HRVs and psychological suffering. Further, such research should take into account the potentially compounding or healing impact of the posttrauma environment that commonly surrounds HRVs would have significant implications for the development of treatment interventions that directly target maintaining factors to reduce distress and functional impairment in individuals exposed to HRVs.