Sunday, September 15, 2024

Day of Fighting Injustice - 2024 - Part II

                      Since the creation of this blog in 2010, its counter of visualizations doesn't work and the same is happening with my YouTube channel since its creation in 2020. For no reason,  I'm being  harmed in so many ways and for more than two decades. Why can I not have a YouTube channel and blog with their counter of visualizations working like everyone else? However, now all the world is demanding justice and equality. The Brazilian institutions including from the federal, state and city government must do more to increase political inclusion, fairness, responsiveness to public demands. Once again I'd like to thank everyone doing this worldwide movement stronger than ever, using their time and internet to raise awareness to injustices happening around the world. I'll be forever grateful to those helping with their solidarity. If you want to know my channel, watch my videos, Despite rumours that I wouldn't be a candidate, I'm now a candidate for city councilor and my number is 77650.    This post is a summary of two article. The first was published at The second was published at

                         We live in a world full of injustices. When we encounter them, it can be hard to know how to respond. Injustices comes in many forms, and so there are many ways to fight against it. Sometimes, there are relatively simple steps one can take to fight against injustice, steps that do not take much time. This includes speaking up when you hear a derogatory comment. While this may be simple. it can still be challenging to do and have a powerful impact on others. Sometimes talking to someone about their language is not enough. Not everyone is open to these conversations. And, often the problems goes far beyond bigoted comments. Comments may be joined with harmful actions and even policies. These all contribute to the creation of a culture of injustice. A culture that you very well may be told is impenetrable. You can't listen to the voice telling you change is impossible. Throughout history we have seen the impossible come to pass. We have seen change be implemented. We have seen how one person can spark a movement, and how even the most insurmountable obstacles can be tackled. You can make a difference, and change is possible. So how do you fight for change when you witness an injustice? First, you have to have three things: hope, grit, and joy. Without hope for a better future things will never change. You must advocate knowing that a difference can be made and let that drive you. You must also have grit. Advocacy can be like driving on a long and rocky road scattered with fallen trees and other obstacles. It will not always be easy, and there are sure to be many challenges along the way. So you must be enduring, adaptable, and patient. Third, you have to find joy. When traveling on that long and difficult road it can be hard to find joy in your work, but it is much easier to reach your destination with it. You have to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally, to be able to keep working for change. Looking for and holding on to the joy in your work will help with that, It also can open your mind to new, effective, and creative means to spread your message. Now, given you have hope, grit, and joy, what specific steps can you take to advocate for change?   1) One option is to communicate with decision makers. These are your elected officials and other people in positions of power.   2) Another option is to organize and/or attend a protest, demonstration, or rally. Protests can bring attention to an issue, educate others, and garner support. When organizing a protest, make sure your purpose is clear. You should also generate solidarity and craft a unified and inclusive message.   3) You may also use more creative means to spread your message. They are powerful, and generate empathy.                                                                                                   The fight for justice in the face of injustice is a never-ending battle that require courage, perseverance, and a strong sense of morality. In the context of wrongful convictions, the need for justice is more pressing than ever, as innocent people continue to be imprisoned or even executed due to systemic flaws in the justice systems. In this section, we'll explore the different ways in which individuals and organizations are fighting for justice and discuss the challenges they face in their quest for a more just and fair society. Advocacy and awareness campaigns are crucial tool in the fight for justice. These campaigns aim to raise public awareness about the issue of wrongful convictions, and to mobilize public support to prevent future miscarriages of justice. Legal advocacy and litigation are also important tools in the fight for justice and reform. Lawyers and legal organizations can work to exonerate wrongfully convicted individuals, challenge unjust laws. Activism is also important tool in the fight for justice. Local communities can work together to raise awareness about wrongful convictions, and hold persons accountable for their actions. The fight for justice in the face of injustice requires a multi-faceted approach that involves advocacy and awareness campaign, legal advocacy and litigation, legislative advocacy and activism. By working together and using a variety of tools and strategies, we can create a more just and fair society that values the rights and dignity of all individuals. Activism is important because it empowers individuals and groups to challenge the status quo and bring about change. It is a way for people to use their voice and make their opinions heard. There are many examples of social activism throughout history. One of the most well-known examples is the civil rights movements in the U.S. Advocacy serves as a powerful tool to shed light on the injustices faced by those unlawfully confined. Through  advocacy, individuals can amplify the voices of the victims, raise public awareness, and rally support for their cause. By harnessing the power of advocacy, the plight of those in unlawful confinement can be brought to the forefront, compelling authorities to take action. Fighting for justice isn't easy, especially when it comes to witness tampering. This despicable act can have a significant impact on the outcome of a trial, however, there are ways to combat witness tampering and fight for justice. One way to combat witness tampering is to implement stronger legal protection for witness. This cloud include providing witness with anonymity or protection from retaliation. By making it more difficult for individuals to tamper with witness, we can help ensure that justice is served. Another challenge is the resistance that innocence organizations may face is from the justice system. Prosecutors and others may be resistant to admitting that they made a mistake or engaged in misconduct, and may fight efforts to overturn wrongful convictions. Innocence organizations must be persistent in their efforts.

Thursday, September 12, 2024


                               Dia 6 de Outubro é a hora de decidirmos pelo futuro que queremos, faça uma reflexão pela democracia e contra a distopia, pela educação e contra a ignorância, pela verdade e contra a mentira, pelo respeito e contra o bullying, pela justiça e pela transparência do governo e depois desta reflexão com certeza você vai querer votar em um candidato que representa toda essa dicotomia, você então com certeza vai VOTAR 77650. Temos que dizer que cidade queremos para os próximos anos e no futuro. Seja um eleitor que efetivamente participa nas eleições, se está decepcionado com a política, vote num candidato que tem dezoito anos de ativismo online, vote num candidato que com certeza levará transparência para o legislativo e para o governo. Vote em quem quer provar que uma política  melhor é possível, mais participativa, eficiente, responsável, inclusiva e produtiva.                                                                            Você pode perceber lendo meu blog que existe deste Setembro de 2010 que nestes dezoito anos de ativismo, escrevi muito sobre educação, mas é por causa da importância do tema. Todos já sabemos o que precisa ser feito para a educação melhorar, como por exemplo: tempo integral, turmas menores, aulas de reforço, exames padronizados regulares, concurso para professores.  Mas a disciplina em sala tem que ser mais exigida, de nada adianta, ter estás condições e também o professor bem preparado e renumerado, se ele não consegue trabalhar. Perde-se muito tempo com a indisciplina.                                                                                                                                                   A leitura de livros é muito importante, seja a leitura de livros didáticos ou não. Sou a favor de mais investimento nas bibliotecas. Se você quer mais cultura e conhecimento, vote em  quem vem defendendo estes temas há muito anos, inclusive divulgando os benefícios da literatura para melhor compreensão do mundo, das circunstâncias e das pessoas. Também precisamos renovar as bibliotecas públicas para torná-las mais úteis para a população. Um exemplo de como isto pode ser feito: ter também juntos no mesmo espaço, computadores com conexão para internet, empréstimo de DVD, aulas para reforço escolar e curso de férias de leitura e redação. Portanto, Se você quer mais acesso da população à cultura, educação e conhecimento, vote 77650.                                                                                                                             É preciso combater o desperdício de dinheiro público, obras paradas e incompletas significam investimento que não beneficia e ao mesmo tempo pode até estar prejudicando.É preciso uma melhor fiscalização e transparência do dinheiro público. Para que a população veja a verdade, a transparência governamental e a liberdade de imprensa devem  ser fortalecidas, dados oficiais devem ser divulgados.                                                                                                                                                 Se eleito uma das minhas prioridades será defender os direitos humanos, temos que evitar as distopias que as vezes podem acontecer sem a nossa percepção instantânea, e mesmo depois quando percebemos fica difícil evitar as injustiças, qualquer precedente de impunidade de violações deve ser combatido. Mesmo que não chegue ao ponto de existir uma distopia, mas temos que combater também uma democracia disfuncional, injusta e irreal. Defender os direitos humanos não e' demagogia e' uma lei internacional acima de qualquer outra.  As leis supremas de um país são: a constituição e os direitos humanos, e ambas devem prevalecer sobre qualquer outra.                                                                                                                                                Todos devem entender que os impostos, os políticos, os servidores públicos, enfim todo o setor público existe para fazer funcionar bem o estado, a maquina estatal. O poder que exercem é mantido com o dinheiro que o povo paga através dos impostos, em em seu benefício deve ser praticado.                                                                                                                                                                          Sou totalmente a favor de maior participação popular na política, para isso seria bom que existem mais mecanismos que permitam essa participação, como por exemplo: orçamento participativo, reverendos e plebiscitos, assembleias populares, associações de bairros. O povo merece e deve ser ouvido. Mas lógico sem desrespeitar a constituição e os direitos humanos que são leis máximas que todos os países são obrigados a respeitar. Sou a favor de todos que querem ser candidatos possam exercer esse direito. Tem que haver mais espaço para incentivar a população a participar da eleição, disso depende uma vibrante e plena democracia.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Day of Fighting Injustice - 2024

                Seventeen days ago, precisely on 23rd of August was celebrated in Brazil, the day of fighting injustice. We all must defend justice, because when there is some systematic injustice happening for so long, a dangerous precedent can happen, destroying democracy, undermining rule of law and human rights and possibly spreading more injustice. So, the public trust in our institutions is severely harmed. Besides, when there is not justice, the abuses tend to grow, spreading and affecting many more people. So if you have witnessed any violation of human rights, record it and help fight injustice.  The systematic violations, the impunity, the daily bullying on mainstream media, the threats online and offline exist to do the victims give up to fight for their rights and reparations. Besides the violations, the systematic abuses, the daily humiliation and the impunity can have a dehumanizing effect in the population, trying us accept what can not be accepted, do not let this happen to you, the solidarity and the empathy are the essence of the human beings and our civilization. We all should recognize who have courage to defend our human rights including our political rights. Because always there are costs to do this, so help who is losing to defend our rights. And one way the citizens can help is voting in candidates that speak up for our human rights, including our political and social rights. One of this candidates is the writer of this blog and his number is 77650. This post is a summary of two articles. The first was published at The second was published at

                           Injustice did not sit right with Martin Rosenzweig, something that made him not only an impressive lawyer, but also a trustworthy and generous friend. He died at the age 71 on July 19,2023, in Henderson, Nevada. Rosenzweig was born in McKeeport, Pennsylvania. At Pitt, he earned an undergraduate degree in political science before graduating from the School of Law in 1977. Even as a young attorney, Rosenzweig put his value first. While working for a Philadelphia insurance provider, he disagree with the settlement offered to a family whose child died in an accident. When he was encouraged to advocate for the family to take less money than he felt deserved, he resigned from the position. Rosenzweig then returned to the Pittsburg, landing a position as an attorney for Laurel Legal Services, a nonprofit that offered free legal representation in civil matters to local low-income individuals. He spent decades there. He served as a mentor to interns and early-career attorneys and often traded case strategy ideas with colleagues during carpools into the office. Guided by the motto, "justice, justice, shalt you pursue," Rosenzweig believed everyone deserves access to quality legal representation. He had a special affinity for working with the elderly and developed expertise in elder law, working closely with the area on aging to provide free legal services to the elderly.                                                                                                                                       The prospect of a full ground invasion in Rafah, Gaza, and the potential of the forcible transfer of more than 1.5 million people looms large like a dark and sinister cloud. Images of children scooping flour up with their hands and hurriedly shoving it in their pockets symbolizes the desesperation. Yet amid all of this despair, in the World Social Forum of 2024 in Kathmandu, Nepal last week reinforced the belief that there is so much solidarity still within the world and a deep connected sense of humanity. People from all corners of the world gathered at this event, with the intention of demonstrating people power, social movements, grassroots activists, human rights defenders and individuals working on various issues stepping forward to share their struggles, working to prove that another world is possible. Activists from Sri Lanka, Latin America, Palestine, Myanmar, and many other places where the population is supressed by authoritarian regimes gathered to reflect on the global trend towards the rise of populist governments who are coming into power across all continents, undermining the principles and values of democracy. 35,000 people gathered to reaffirm their commitment to work with communities, people's organisations, movements, groups and networks and other allies to overcome the structural causes and consequences of poverty and injustice while promising to connect the work being done with broader efforts for justice and commit to engage in movements at national and global levels to make the greatest contribution towards a just and sustainable world. Believing that change is possible and rooted in the individual and collective empowerment of those most affected to claim and defend the rights over the long term, we committed to ensure deepened democracy, meaningful participation and campaigning for just and credible alternatives and strengthening work that collaborates with movements sustained by global solidarity and committed supporters. As a global movement, we are fighting against systems of injustice that view people to be sacrificed by systems of exploitation and domination. Our collective struggle is for economic and political justice and for a world where everyone has the right to live with dignity, free from oppression.

Thursday, September 5, 2024


                          Nestes 18 anos de ativismo, entre as muitas causas que defendo, tenho feito um ativismo para melhorar a política. E isso somente pode ser feito com mais transparência nos atos do legislativo e do poder executivo. Mas há muito a ser feito, principalmente no que se refere a igualdade nas eleições, o povo não quer assédio eleitoral. Minha preocupação em melhorar a política com mais democracia e mais transparência vem sendo demonstrada deste o início do ativismo online em 2006. Logo no começo, quando escrevia os textos no meu email, no Infocentro da UFJF, que infelizmente não tenho mais. Foram vários resumos sobre política. A internet pode ajudar muito a melhorar a política e venho tentando demonstrar isto, como por exemplo, em Outubro de 2011, publiquei no meu blog, uma entrevista com o fundador do Wikileaks, Julian Assange em que ele fala sobre sua esperança de ver uma política melhor com o uso da internet Este outro de Fevereiro de 2012, diz como o governo Americano está tentado usar a internet para desenvolver políticas públicas que atendem a vontade popular. E de como a internet está ajudando na popularização de dados oficiais. Este de Agosto de 2012, conta-nos como a internet pode ajudar na transparência governamental e no engajamento popular na política, deste que respeitado o direito à privacidade dos cidadãos, para não haver nenhuma tentativa de retaliação aos possíveis dissidentes. E se houver qualquer violação de privacidade, a justiça deve acontecer com a devida reparação. Estes dois dizem sobre a importância do ensino de democracia, sobre os valores democráticos que devem ser difundidos, como por exemplo: respeito aos direitos humanos, consciência cívica e coletiva, desenvolvimento ético. A segunda parte diz sobre como é longo e árduo o trabalho para melhorar a democracia, mas todos devem contribuir para uma melhor democracia, pois são nossas vidas em questão, o presente que temos e o futuro que queremos ter. . Enfim estes são só alguns posts que fiz sobre como uma funcional, justa e plena democracia é possível. Precisamos da colaboração de todos se quisermos uma política melhor, eu tenho feito o que posso, mais que isso somente se me tornar um político. Penso que estes dezoito anos de ativismo foram de uma enorme colaboração para uma melhor democracia. Tanto é assim que o mundo reconhece o trabalho que tenho feito. Mas quero fazer mais e para isso preciso muito da ajuda de todos, espero contar com sua ajuda, com seu voto. Há outras maneiras de melhorar a democracia, além dos que mencionei neste post: usando a internet e educando para os verdadeiros valores democráticos e humanistas. 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

5 Ways to Turn a Social Media Campaign Into a Movement

                 Once again I'd like to thank everyone take parting in this huge worldwide movement. For more than two decades I've heard people laughing at me, people indirectly saying that the people doesn't care about injustice unless it's happening to them. I've been bullied every day, but now all the world is demanding justice. I'll be eternally grateful to those behind this wonderful movement. We need more people fighting for a better world and the world recognize someone who is doing this for around four decades. All the world and me hope that people here can understand how important is to empower someone who has been so wronged, so humiliated, so bullied, but doesn't give never up because knows that everyone else knows that has been always helping other and doing good deeds. Actually the world is doing history and show us who deserve and need to become a politician. Thanks very much good people of the world. You exist and are many. ✊✊✊✊✊. Altough in this blog I write for the world, because I know that millions around the world read it every Sunday. This month I can't let to address the people here in the city where I live, please don't forget to vote in 6th of October together with the good people of the world. Vote Luciano Fietto, number 77650. This post is a summary of the article with the title above published at

                  The use of social media as a powerful tool for social movement is unquestionable. From Human Rights Campaign's red equal sign to the It Gets Better Project campaign, social media has proven highly effective at drawing attention to a cause. Any individual or organisation can launch a campaign on social media, but simply starting a movement is not enough. The goal is to champion a cause in such a way that it resonates with others. When it comes to creating a social media campaign that engages with people on a human level, the following 5 elements are key.    1) Pick a cause you believe in - The obvious first step is to pick a specific cause, such as raising awareness of a political concern, fundraising for a charity or highlighting an environmental issue. The important thing is that it's something you genuinely believe in. Authenticity is a key aspect of a successful social media movement.    2) Define the goal of the campaign - The aim of the social media campaign must be clearly defined, This objective will influence everything from the language used, the platforms that are leveraged to how people engage with the campaign. Determining the ultimate goal will also help to create a compelling call to action. By giving people something they can respond to and rally behind, you greatly increase the chances of the campaign going viral.  3) Show what the cause means to you - The virality of a movement on social media is determined by whether people can empathise on a human level. You need to show why people should care about a particular cause and what impact it could have on them or someone around them. By providing your personal reasons for supporting this cause, you can lend credibility and increase the likelihood that it will strike a chord with people in your network.   4) Let other share their story - The most effective campaigns have a human touch that people can connect with and that prompts them to share their experiences. A campaign must provide a platform for contributors to express what a particular cause means to them. It should also give people the flexibility to share in a manner that suits them best, the It Gets Better Project enables contributors to share both video and written submissions of their stories.    5) Select the right social media tools - The tools you use will depend on your objective. If it's to raise awareness, effective messaging and social presence may be all that is needed. Idle No More movement was initially viewed as a local campaign before it used Facebook and Twitter to gain international recognition. A petition platform, such as - can be combined with social networks to urge policymakers to address a political or societal issue. When starting an effective social media movement, it is worth remembering that the greater the authenticity and flexibility, the greater the chance of virality and ultimately, success.