As I told before, one of the reasons of this blog is to be more one source of reading in English for Brazilians. In this post I would like to show something that is not often commented in English classes, but is, I think interesting to know. So, let`s give a little English class for my readers.
English is spoken throughout the world, and, while most of the words used in British English will be the same as those used in American English, there are some words which are different in each country and having the same meaning. Some words, the difference is only one or two letters, others change the entire word, below there are, first the minimal difference and then the second example.
Portuguese American British
Porto Harbor Harbour
Honra Honor Honour
Empenho Endeavor Endevour
Apartamento Apartment Flat
Aviao Airplane Aeroplane
Calças Pants Trousers
Caminhao de lixo Garbage truck Dustbin lorry
Carona Ride Lift
Chave de porca Wrench Spanner
Centro(de uma cidade) Downtown Centre
Currículo Resume Curriculum Vitae
Diretor(de escola) Principal Headmaster
Estacionamento Parking lot Car park
Flanela Washcloth Flannel
Fila Line Queue
Fio elétrico Cord Flex
Fogão Stove Cooker
Futebol Soccer Football
Lata de lixo Garbage can Dustbin
Ligar `a cobrar Call colect Reverse the charges
Metrô Subway Underground
Milho Corn Maize
Outono Fall Autumm
Pára-brisa Windshield Windscreen
Passagem ida/volta Round trip ticket Return ticket
Sobremesa Dessert Pudding
Tábua(madeira cortada) Lumber Timber
Telefone celular Cell phone Mobile phone