I would like to clarify that I said wrong, I got confused with the federal agencies, where I really solved my problem of Enem`s password, is the Federal Public Defender Offices ( .DPU.GOV.BR), an institution essential to the function of the state court, charged with the legal advice, the defense of the individual and collective rights of the needy in all levels and the promotion of the human rights, before the judicial power of the federal government. source: wikipedia.
It is not only in Brazil that higher education has been much more demanded, this is a world trend. The university attendance is growing everywhere and the government must to provide also this education.
According to an OECD report published at Sep. 9th 2008, nearly all the countries researched have seen entry rates increased, and the extra cash needed for this increase, has come from a variety of sources. Some countries such as Britain, charge tuition fees, while nordic countries levy high taxes, USA has a large pot of private financing. To set a example, below the increase in some countries in approximate numbers.
2000 2006
Australia 58% 81%
Slovakia 38% 65%
South Korea 44% 63%
USA 43% 66%
Ireland 32% 42%
Italy 39% 55%
Turkey 21% 30%